Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Dominant Submission

You know, I was thinking. How many times in my life have I been upset because I didn't get things the way that I wanted them, or minimally the way I thought they should go. I have this inherant need to be right! I hate it when I am wrong! Understand that I am not foolish enough to believe that I am right all the time, but I still hate it when I am wrong. This seems to be more of a challenge in the work place rather then with family or church. Fortunately the older I get the less this seems to impact my life as a whole. I seem to be able to more freely admit when I am wrong and accept the concequences more easily. Don't mis-understand I still don't like making mistakes, but I can accept them better now.
When we as a body of Christ "Submit ourselves one to another" some amazing things happen. We start listening to people more and ourselves less. We begin to see other points of view as possibilities instead of just an irritant! We start wondering about what is in someone elses best interest instead of what do I want. We begin to respect other people. That respect soon leads to understanding. That understanding leads to cooperation and if given enough time that cooperation will lead to a true and deep love for other people. We need to dominate every group of people in which we asscociate with submissiveness! We need to not become spineless jelly fish, but become a person that shares what you think but will always respect others view points. Our love for one another needs to be greater than our inherant need to be right about stuff! My desire for YOUR best interest needs to be greater than my desire for MY best interest! Where are you at in your ability to dominate with submissiveness? I am still in the "under construction" mode. Be blessed today.


At 8:35 AM, Blogger Russell said...

I've always wondered why people can't see things my way. Turns out my way is a little off most of the time. Go figure. :)

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

"I am not wrong, everyone else is." Great post Doug. Sorry about the Erma thing, I thought it was kinda funny. Don't want to get pudged. =)

At 8:41 AM, Blogger Doug E. Pudge said...

Hey, It would take a lot to get a Pudging somewhere other than on this blog. Understand, it can happen but it would take a lot. BBT

At 10:22 PM, Blogger Kodiak said...

As I read your blog, I couldn't help but be reminded of JOY. You know:
It's not easy to place others first. But that the life Jesus taught and wants us to be living examples of JOY.
GIG All the time


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