Friday, December 23, 2005

Following The Crowd!

You know, I was thinking. When Pilate sentenced Jesus to be crucified he was just giving the people what they wanted. He knew in his heart that Jesus didn't commit any crime and did not deserve to be executed. But because the people were united in their cry to crucify him, he caved in. He knew what was right but did just the opposite because it was the popular decision!
That really makes me stop and think about all of the decisions that I make on a daily basis. There are times that I know what the right thing to do is, yet I choose not to do it. There are also times when I know a decision is wrong, but because of pressures that are on me I choose to go down that road. Our lives are filled with many opportunities to do the right thing, and we sometimes make bad decisions. One thing is for certain though. The decision that Pilate made some 2000 years ago turned into something wonderful. It was an awful, selfish and sinful act that God used to change the course of the world. God can even take my mistakes and turn them into good if I will let him. This doesn't excuse me for doing the wrong things at times, but it does give me hope that because God is in complete control, HE can work great things through all of us..........if we let Him. Be blessed beyond belief today.


At 8:53 AM, Blogger where's jim? said...

We should remember that regardless of the bad decisions we have made in the past there is still time to make that one good decision. Just as the criminal who hung dying on the cross next to Jesus asked Him to remember Him so should we. And Jesus told him the truth, that today you will be with me in paradise!! Oh what a day that will be!!!

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

one of my favorite scriptures again! (Rom 8:28)

At 11:13 PM, Blogger Kodiak said...

Happens more often than I would like to admit.


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