Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Just Rambling Today

You know, I was thinking. God's love and grace never ceases to amaze me. I have been in a whirlwind lately trying to get a lot of things done. I know that I am not in the busy catagory all by myself but I am certainly in that catagory. Last night I took the opportunity to spend some quality time with my step son Daniel. I really haven't had the time to be one on one with him much lately and since Rachel had a woman's thing going on at church last night it was a perfect opportunity. The three of us started out together going to dinner at the Old Country Buffet. Now, I really am not a big buffet fan but Daniel can really go to town at this place. He's a big steak lover and they have that there. He also knows that he can get away with not eating vegatables there as well (you gotta give the kid a break some time). So he got his fill and Rachel and I enjoyed that time as well.

After dinner Daniel and I were off to a heated game of mini golf! Now, this boy is a bit competative and he really is a pretty good putter. He wound up beating me by two strokes. I don't mind losing to him especially when he beats me out right. I get to model the example of a gracious loser then which is a very important lesson to learn. But more important than the golf itself was the time that we spent together. You see, I needed a break too and having one with this guy was very special to me. I think he and I are going to try to do something every week during the summer. Nothing fancy maybe hit some balls at the driving range or go to the batting cages, just do some guy stuff together that doesn't involve electronic devices.

Another thing that I realized last night is that it is sometimes good to step away from the work that I have in front of me. I am very motivated to finish this house but I must admit that I am tired. Saturday I worked in the yard all day which is something that I love to do. It is not so much the work that I enjoy as much as it is that immediate satisfaction in seeing the fruits of my labor. When you cut grass, do general clean up and prune a few tress you get to see the results right now! That makes me feel good both about what God has blessed me with and about the job that I have done.

So, why am I sharing this today? I am not really sure. Sometimes I just sit down at the key board and start typing. Normally I put the title up first and then go at it but I left it blank to begin this post. I guess I just wanted to say that it is good to work hard and accomplish what you can but don't forget the important stuff in life. Especially don't forget the important people that God has blessed you with. Be blessed beyond belief today.


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