Friday, October 19, 2007

The Health & Well Being Of The Pudgeman

You know, I was thinking. Well, it's that time of year again when I had to make an appointment to go and get my annual physical. I usually dread this because of a certain procedure that is un-natural and I still believe that it just might be illegal in some states. Yes I am talking about the dreaded prostate exam!! This particular exam has given us such quotes as:

Aren't you going to buy me dinner first?
Hey doc what up with leaving your ring in there?
Doc, if you wanted to check my tonsils there's a better access point!

As well as many other muses used to describe this process! Well, here in NE PA they do things a little differently. There in a blood test that can be done to check and see if all is well with this vital organ. Now, if the blood test shows bad levels then it is drop your pants and bend over time. But for now, all is well and my exit only area is un-violated!

Now, I shared this great news with the lovely Mrs. M. right after my doctor's appointment yesterday. I guess my excitement and relief was way too much for her and she immediately exclaimed "but what are they doing for women?" Now, I don't know about all you other guys but I am thankful that I don't have to go through THAT procedure and have told my beautiful wife this on several occasions! But why can't she just rejoice with me in my rejoicing? Why not just love the good that is happening to me right now? I guess I gotta make sure that I just curb my excitement or find a way that she can just go through a blood test as well or maybe just shut up about it in the first place! NAH! I'll just handle the pressure.
But, pending the blood work coming back on several different checks, it appears that the Pudgeman in pretty healthy. I have been seeing a chiropractor which has help my arthritis tremendously. When my back cracker looked at my x-rays he noticed some shadowing on my lower jaw area. He suggested that it is probably nothing but I should get an MRI done to make sure. My medical doctor agrees with the fact that it is probably nothing more than a calcified tendon, but an MRI is a good idea. So next Thursday I will have that work done. But I am feeling good physically, mentally and spiritually right now and am looking forward to coming home for the weekend! With the will of the Father, I will be at NewSong for worship on Sunday. Until then I pray that the love of the Lord be with you and that you will be blessed beyond belief today.


At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent news Pudge! Both the health thing and the coming home thing! I hope to see you Sunday morning.
In response to the first part...that's why I have a female doctor. They tend to have smaller fingers.

At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I promise no shunning this Sunday!

At 12:40 PM, Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

LOL, what is a "lover jaw?"
Women tend to have longer nails, though bruiser, oucheeeeeeeeeeeee!
I have a physical coming up on the 26th myself, we'll have to see what comes of it....

At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course she's worried about herself doug, we are women and thats what we do. duhhhhhhhhh.

At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know it occurred to me, I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV, but based on my experience I would suggest high dosages of rest for that case of "lover jaw"...However, your most recent post falls in the category of TMI. (and that is not Three Mile Island)...But I am glad you got a "glowing" report from your physical. I must be off...

At 9:05 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 9:06 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm not a doctor but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express. DEP, be thankful you don't have to have a PAP smear or mammogram. Jackie says men should have to a prostate exam simular to the mammogram. I told her I don't think I would have it done then. LOL Getting the fickle finger of fate if I may borrow a coined phrase from "Laugh In". is bad enough. Glad to have seen you today in service.

At 9:15 AM, Blogger Doug E. Pudge said...

All right all you picky people it now says loWer jaw! B4T


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