Monday, March 27, 2006

And Away We Go!

You know, I was thinking. Well, God has brought me through a week filled with many ups and downs. As always, perspective was brought and hopefully a little wisdom was gained! I have found that I am a person in transition right now. That is not an easy place for me to personally be! God is allowing me to go through a number of changes in my life right now, all of them appear to be good. But I have found over the years that there is rarely growth without some pain involved! I have been forced to deal with some deep inner issues over this past week. Most of them were things that should have been dealt with years ago, but for one reason or another I chose to surpress them and pretend that they weren't there. Funny thing about doing such a thing is that when you try to move forward with your life, it's like the parking brake is on. You want to proceed forward but no matter how much effort you put into it, you just sit there, engine revving, going nowhere fast. Old wounds heal very slowly but have to be treated in order to heal! I can't pretend them away any longer, I must face some fears head on in order to move on! God wanted me to do this years ago but I wouldn't. It was easier to pretend that I just didn't feel then it was to deal with the feelings.
So where does that leave me now? BLESSED! Blessed beyond belief! I am not through with this process by any means, but I am proceeding forward seeking out God and all of his goodness to do what needs to be done. Yesterday's sermon spoke to my heart! Allowing God to heal what He has been wanting to heal for years. Giving myself permission to feel the things that I want to feel! Making the most of the life that God has blessed me with so that maybe somebody else won't have to experience the same kind of pain that I have! God is always good, all of the time. Be blessed beyond belief today.


At 8:07 AM, Blogger Russell said...


(Puke Your Guts Out Today!)


At 10:39 AM, Blogger ryan said...

Doug I’m feeling that way today too. For the parking brake is more like the one on the Flintstones that large boulder that is throw out the car and has rope tied to it. But for the most part I feel my dog hooked to his dog run I can go so far to the right and left and back and forth but if get a wild hair in me I run forward until the collar around neck jerks me backs to the ground and stops me cold in my tracks. Still moving forward until feel that pulling on me and each I might moved just a little more than the last time. Praise God his wisdom to make sit to hear his voice to make sit and be still.


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