Comtemplating Vacation
You know, I was thinking. It is getting close to Pilgrimage time! Most of you who know me realize that every year in either June or July a group of us guys go somewhere on our annual Pilgrimage. This started way back in 1998 when Sheldon Thorpe and yours truly went out to Chicago to see a Cubs game! It is now a great tradition and it couldn't come at a better time for me. Although I will miss you know who tremendously, I am personally in need of some down time. God gives us a number of opportunities to take rest and often times we choose not to take them. I am not easily persuaded to slow down but I do realize it is necessary. Four days away just hanging out with the boys is sounding like a good plan. But let me tell you why this is such a treat for me. You see, all of us boys are Christians. We don't only spend time doing guy stuff, but we also spend time with God! We share a lot of stuff during the four days that we have. It all culminates with a wonderful time of worship on Sunday morning before we take off and go back home. It is good to work hard and to be responsible, but it is also good to slow down and enjoy the blessings of the Father. Be blessed beyond belief today.
What do you mean slow down? The co-founders run me ragged!! Where's Jim? Where's Jim? It is a full time job just keeping track of myself!! I am already scheduling work just to rest up from this trip!!!
Man that manly down time thing sounds a whole lot like my last weekend.
ps. I've had only one responsible member of the pilgrimage mention that they won't be there for our softball game this thursday. I think there are at least two other members that are part of the team...
Well, that reponsible member thing had better be a direct reference to yours truly 'cause I know I told you. The only other one that you'll be missing is Bruiser. The rest of the team will be at your disposal! B4T
Responsible . . . rugged . . . the things people say about you!
Now calm down woman, just calm down. B4T
I would like to know which definition of "rugged" "a woman trailing after doug" objects to...Webster's lists several: having strong features marked with wrinkles or furrows; tempestuous or stormy; demanding great effort or perseverance; or very healthy:hardy?
I would like to know exactly who's friend you are? B4T
I'm friends with many people. The list is too long to include here. Do you require references to post a comment?
Dug, no sir, you did not mention your absence to me.
Then LBOM, why did you IM me yesterday to make sure that you had all of the softball stuff back from me before I left town? You have known I was going to be gone since you shot me your list of dates that you were going to be out of town! Did you forget to write the dates down? So, in response, yessir I did tell you that I wouldn't be there. Don't blame me for you faulty organizational skills and memory losses!
Friend person, I just want to say that you should wait until you get home and comment rather than doing it anonymously from your blackberry! That's all I am implying here. Plus it sounds like you are being a little rough on the Pudgeman here and I am sensative you know. B4T
I humbly apologize for hurting your feelings. My curiosity got the better of me! "Inquiring minds wanted to know"! How can I make it up to you?
By the way, I'm not commenting anonymously from my blackberry, I'm doing it anonymously from my computer! Hopefully, I'll be able to check back here before I leave to see if you have accepted my apology! (I don't have access to a computer after 5:00!) :)
Your apology is undoubtedly accepted my brother of another mother. B4T
Oh friend, I object not, but prefer the definition closest to healthy; hardy (Random House also lists strong; tough). Doubtless I suffer from chagrin because Sister 1 came up with this adjective and I did not.
we'll miss you from here buddy!
Sir DugLess-
As I stated in an earlier comment, someone else in your posse told me they were going to be gone. I made the huge jump to assuming you were going too since you are a founder of this organization.
Do you know someone else that has a blackberry?
Coach, I am not a founder I am a Co-Founder! Please understand the necessity for the appropriate title here. Also, as per our IM discussion yesterday, don't blame me for you poor memory! Jim, NO! B4T
DugLess, you are in such a hurry to respond that you rarely read the comment. I said you were "A" founder, thus implying the co-foundedness....
The proper term is "Co-Founder". Please use proper teminology! B4T
Hey first of all, we are talking about the term "Co-Founder" being used as a proper noun! It is a specific title therefore "a founder" is not the same thing! It is indeed descritive of the position, but it is not the proper title! You guys just don't get it I guess! Oh, and yes I am going on a trip and no I do not suffer from PMS on from IKSHS (I know some Hawkings syndrome). B4T
"A founder" is proper English, but it apparently does not emphasize Doug's status in a satisfactory manner. (Satisfactory to him, of course.) He seems to prefer the capitalized proper noun form, "Co-Founder." Therefore the choice becomes: "To annoy or not to annoy; that is the question." This may be an example of the condition known as TI: Title Inadequacy.
Hey wait a minute! You're supposed to be on my side! Why you gotta do me this way? B4T
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