Friday, February 09, 2007

It's Not A Hang Nail

You know, I was thinking. By now most of you are aware of the news that I received on Wednesday. I case you are not in the loop yet, the spot on the back of my eye that the doctor has been watching for the past 2 1/2 years has been determined to be an maligant ocular melanoma. In simpler terms I have a cancerous tumor on the back of my eye. Fortunately it is very treatable and the prognosis is very good. But there are still risks. This type of cancer can spread through the blood stream and into the liver. Granted that this would be an extreme case and since my tumor is still very small it is likely that it can be destroyed without further spreading or permanent damage to my vision my chances are great that I will make it through this will little or no complications.

Here is the tough part. When I delievered this news to my wife of only five weeks and one day the reality of this whole thing really hit me. She is a biology teacher and has a great grasp on what this thing is all about. As I was explaining to her how this was very easily treatable and how I have so much confidence in the doctors that I will be seeing, I said that "this is really no big deal!" She stopped me and said "honey this isn't a hang nail, it is a big deal!" Talk about a reality check. I began to think about my wife, my sons and my daughter. Then, my bothers, sisters and all of the huge clan that is my family. Then my friends and brothers and sisters in the Lord. Man, how this must be affecting them. I pondered on these thoughts for quite awhile and came to this reality, I am definately not alone here. God has blessed me with literally hundreds of people in my life. All of them have had some influence on me and I on them. I know that this is tough news but look at who I have to share it with.

In closing this post today let me say this. The God that I was praising a week ago is still the God I am praising today. His goodness is not based on my health, my life or my needs. He is the same God who created the universe and everything in it. I don't know what the end result will be from all of this but I do know one thing, I am going to let God use it anyway He wants to. I find it very easy to give this to Him to use for His glory. If I am healed completely let God be praised, if my life is lost due to cancer let God be praised. If God chooses some other path for me let God be praised. I can't stop thanking Him and praising Him for what He has done for me. A little tumor cannot change God. Be blessed beyond belief today.


At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brother, your faith in God is inspiring. Many folks would take this opportunity to ask for prayer and hope that God would be gracious enough to heal. You, on the other hand, have taken this opportunity to praise Him! Regardless of the outcome, you praise Him! Nothing less than inspiring.

Be Blessed and know that you are being held up in prayer by many many many people who love you dearly.

I love you Brother.

At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bro, I'll be praying for you. Your faith in God is awesome.


At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will be my constant prayer. I admire your faith and am sure God will bring you through this.

I Love ya Dougie

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Four-Leaf K' lover said...

Oh DEP, I love you. You are awesome and what strength you have because of Him. Wow!!!!

At 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Doug-
I also read your post through a Google Alert on Ocular Melanoma. My small/medium mass in front of my eye was treated i.e. radiated three months ago in Miami.
I was lucky enough to find the boards that Lynne wrote of before my treatment so I was able to ask questions and relieve a lot of anxiety.
Remember it is treatable and the odds are VERY much on your side.

At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise His Name...Our God is able...

At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doug, praise God for your faith in his good works! While I'm saddened by your situation, having lost my mother to cancer when I was 14, I trust you will bring the glory to the Father through all of it and appreciate you sharing.

God, bless Doug as he releases his fears, his desires and his will to you. Not our will, but yours be done. Thank you, Father.

At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear this, Doug. You have a great attitude about it, though. It also seems you have a few support options aside from your church and other friends, by the two posts above.

Just another reason to give a little more praise, eh? ^.^

At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a big cry baby - I cry at everything - so it's no surprise that I had tears in my eyes by the time I got to the end of your blog. It wasn't out of sadness for your condition though - although I am sad you have to go through all of that. The tears were tears of joy at the faith that you show. It's awesome and I'm sure God is smiling on you right now! May God bless you, comfort you and your family through all of this, and I pray that He heals you as well! Thanks for sharing your story~

At 12:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wives have a special way of giving us that dose of reality, don't they?

At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I love you and am truly inspired by your faith and trust in Jesus. I will keep you lifted up in prayer and join you in praise during this storm.



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