New Contest
You know, I was thinking. It is time to have a new contest and this one is a good one. When you look at the picture of ONOM complete this sentence "Dude......................". This time there will be a great prize for the lucky winner. Vote early and vote often. Please only submit one guess per comment but comment as often as you wish. Be blessed beyond belief today.

Is that Doug in a Leopard thong?
I dont remember signing a "Waiver" so you could use my expressed image on your site!
Well here's how it works. I picked up this little photo on another site and used it here. Besides, I remember several photos of me on somebody elses blog a few months back and I believe that I assured that certain someone of a payback. I guess this must be it. Oh and BTW, the leopard thong looks quite sexy on me. B4T
... Where's My Hair?
(Sorry to whomever this is, I don't know you but am making personal jokes at your expense. I'm not asking for forgiveness, because, well, good humor hurts. ~.^)
... Did I get everything out of my nose?
where my life.
why i'm I always second to jamie.
why do I have doug as a relative.
why is there a lone star in michigan. Man I guess bush wants everywhere to be like texas.
does this pic make me look fat.
does this pic make my look like a mollette.
does my eyes look pretty
uh I don't know.
No softball for you
I'm singing a show tune.
Dude, get that camera outta my face.
I am laughing so hard I have to pee right now. Raivynn this is my nephew Jay. ONOM stands for Oh Nephew Of Mine. Please feel free to make as much fun of him as you can. Big J, you are liking this way too much. I think we'll run this contest over the weekend and announce a winner on Monday. B4T
wher's my eyebrows
where's my neck
I'm backed up
where's my wife
the blue behind me really makes me look gooooooooood....
I'm goin to eat you.
Get in my belly.
you sould see what happen to the other guy.
this is from all the loud noise from the drums.
No I want my douge back. he's mine not yours.
do I have anything in my teeth
Wow...Raivynn no appologies needed, humor is all about love.
Nad you can tell Jamie loves me way toooo much!
Actually, by this point, I think he's saying:
Dude ... Make Jamie stop. Please. Seriously, else my head'll asplode. and, then she'll start making fun of my brains or somethin'.
no, wait ...
Dude ... I think I just sat on your bowling trophy.
Dude I craped my pants!
Toby Say's dude that an right, Rachel hasn't been in the family long enough.
IIIIIIIIIIIIIII don't know if I can take it. Let me out of here. That is why Toby crawled under the table.
"Dude ... Brrraaaaaaaaaaaap!"
"dude ... here's my impression of people after reading one of Doug's posts."
Dude this was way too funny. Jamie is hilarious. I laughed all the way through this. I especially liked the one that didn't really know jay but made fun of him anyway. lol.
I was actually ordering my food and this is what the waitress went something like this.
(really fast) iwantthesanantoniosirloinwith5shrimpbakedpotatonosourcreamsaladitalian...andcanwegetanonion....hhhhuuuuuu....andasprite!
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