Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Walking In The Blessing

You know, I was thinking. Pastor Tom's sermon series covering the sermon on the mount has really helped me to keep some perspective these days. The blessings that are listed in the B attitudes are certainly a far cry from the perspective of modern day America. Most people say that if you have been given something "good" then you must be doing something right and God is blessing you. If you are given something "bad" most people look deeply into their lives and wonder what they have done wrong and what they need to do to make it right again. We definately live in a "reward and regret" world.

A few months ago you would be able to come onto this blog and see me praising God about all of the incredible blessings that I have been heaped on me during the past year. A wonderful wife, two great step sons and a renewed relationship with my daughter top the long list of things that I have been blessed with over this past year. Many of you have been so gracious as to comment that some how I deserved these blessings. I am not here to debate all of your heart warming comments but let me say that if I did indeed received what I personally deserved it wouldn't be pretty! I am a sinner! At times I really feel like Paul did and consider myself the chief of sinners. But God blesses me anyway. God does indeed want us to be happy but the real truth behind that is God wants us to be happy no matter what is happening around us. Why is it that Paul and Silas could sing in prison after being beaten? Why is it that Steven could say "Father forgive them..."? It is because they did not let the circumstance that they were in lessen the God they served! Let me say that again, the did not let the circumstances that they were in lessen the God they served!!

Now, here I am in 2007. I have just come off of one of the greatest years in my life. I am so pumped and ready to go that nothing can stop me now. On February 6th I received the word that this spot on the back of my eye that the doctor has watched for 2 1/2 years was indeed malignant and that I have cancer in my eye. Not just eye cancer but this type of cancer could spread to my liver! I was in shock for a little while and my wife was absolutely floored by the news. But I am still walking in the blessing. The God of my life after that day is the same God of 2006! He is blessing me more now then ever. I don't thank God for the cancer in my eye, but I thank God for what he is doing with the cancer in my eye. I have had more opportunities then ever to praise the God of the universe. I cannot believe that God has blessed me with this opportunity.

Many of you have commented on my faith. I am humbled by that. The little mustard seed size faith that I have isn't from anything that I have done. It has come from God being consistantly loving and strengthening to me. Faith isn't something that you just wake up one day and have but it is the long term result of watching God work over and over and over in peoples lives. My life does not belong to me, it belongs to God. When God is done with me on this earth then He will bring me home. Whether that be today, tomorrow or some time in the distant future it simply doesn't matter because my mission is still the same. Live each day for the Father, do the best you can with what you have and leave the remaining stuff at the feet of Jesus. Be blessed beyond belief today.


At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, thats all that needs to be said.

At 9:00 AM, Blogger Doug E. Pudge said...

The power is not in the "poster" but the "postee". B4T

At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful post, brother. You've said a mouthful there. And your last line, "Be blessed beyond belief today"....I just was. Thanks Doug. Once again, you've been an inspiration to me. You know...I've got some AWESOME friends!!

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to sing the praises Doug. You are an inspiration to us all.
BTW love the new pic.


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