Friday, November 05, 2010

Presidential Cost Savings Initiatives

As we begin to think about what is important in the upcoming election I want to begin talking about what I would do to save the taxpayers some money. The first thing is the Presidential lemo! I have noticed that every new president gets a new car! WHY? Is there something wrong with the old one? I was kind of partial to the one that the last president Bush used and wouldn't object to the currently one used by president Obama! That would save about $100 grand right off the bat! What about all of those stupid innagural parties that are thrown after the innauguration? Why so many? Let's just have one and that would have to save 1/2 mil minimum! So there you go, on my first day as president I could save the tax payers $600,000 dollars with minimal effort! If I was able to do that just three days a week over an eight year period, the American people would save a total of nearly $750,000,000! In case you are not good with numbers that's 3/4 of a BILLION dollars with simple cost savings ideas and that is a conservative (which I am by the way) estimate!

As you think about the CCCP and what great things can happen for this country, pray about our current state of affairs and let you congress people know that we are all serious about making changes! Be blessed beyond belief today.


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