Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Breaking The Old Patterns

You know, I was thinking. Lately the Pudgeman has been making a number of changes to his life (kinda nice talking about yourself in the third person). It is funny how things will hit me sometimes as to WHY they happen. God has certainly been bringing me through one of the toughest valleys that I have ever been through. Although I do consider that I am still in the valley, I have found His peace and His love in all of it. God has taken a man who was stressing out like a mad man just three weeks ago and absolutely calmed the storm around me. What is the difference? Why all of the changes? Because God has said to do it! You see in the valley God is still communicating with you! He is still pursuing a relationship with you. The problem is that when we are in the valley we feel we cannot hear or feel God! The reason for this (in my humble opinion) is that we are focusing on the valley itself! The valley becomes our God so to speak. We lose perspective.
So, after much prayer and listening to some great brothers and sisters in the Lord, I have made some lifestyle changes that have virtually eliminated the stress all together. Although the spiritual side of the issues had to be dealt with, there were some physical and psychological changes that were necessary as well! God's answers in this case came through some of His people! I spent hours in prayer and in fasting but I had never stopped to really share what I was feeling with people! When I did that, the solutions came quickly and easily. God has spoken volumes to me through others. I have had to break some bad eating habits, I have had to start exercising and I have had to allow myself to love and to be loved. All of this has not been easy but then again growth never is! God has answered a lot of prayers and has brought me much comfort but He wanted me to do some things to help myself! He needed me to take action! Allow yourself to share your burdens, listen to God and make the changes to your life when necessary. Be blessed beyond belief today.


At 1:42 PM, Blogger Doug E. Pudge said...

Melissa, I thank you for your encouragement but I haven't made it through that valley yet. God has just given me so much peace while I am still in it. B4T

At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are an inspiration and breath of fresh air. You really say what is really on the heart of most of us. I believe some time or another we all struggle with letting someone see the vunerable part of us. Keep up the fight and remember if it weren't for valley's we wouldn't have mountains!

At 7:18 AM, Blogger Kodiak said...

Hey DEP thanks for sharing.


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