Thursday, March 29, 2007

I Think I'll Break My Leg!

You know, I was thinking. Tonight we have our first real performance of "The Ressurection And The Life." This is a classic passion play that is performed every year at Faith Baptist church in Waterford. The Lovely Mrs. Pudgeman is assisting in the sound booth again this year and yours truly will be live and on stage. That's right for the next couple of weeks I get to play the part of the disciple Simon the Zealot (aka Doug the one eyed dancing desciple)! What does Simon get to do? Well, he gets to be on stage a lot, hang out with Jesus, sing and yes he even does a little line dancing with the other desciples! He doesn't get to speak any lines or have any solos but he does get a lot of face time. Hard to believe that I can go for two hours without talking (much) and I actually do stay focused on my part.

Seriously, this is a very well done musical. I saw it last year for the first time and I was absolutely moved by the power of this story. Now, I will say that the acting and singing are quite good for a group of people who are not professionals in the theatrical arts but are all just a bunch of regular Joes! I am honored to be part of this cast. Moreover it is the story that really gets you. I can't tell you the number of times that I have seen movies & plays or have read various books on the life of Jesus and thought that they were nice, but I can tell you that this play will move you. Please go ahead and check out the preview on the link that I have provided and if you have a chance to attend please do you won't regret it. If you cannot attend because you like live in Florida or something, let me know because they do put together a DVD each year and I can make sure that you get your very own copy.

During this Easter season keep you eyes focused on Christ! He is the one that has given us the reason for pressing onward toward the goal. Live each day for Him like it was the last that you had to live. Give God the praise in all things, not just the things that make you happy and you will certainly enjoy that true peace that can only be found in the Father. Be blessed beyond belief today.


At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to love seeing the passion plays put on each year. I especially loved the ones with orchestras. Nothing like grand music to counterpoint the story.

When I was very little (and Catholic), we used to go to a place in florida that put on such an extravagant passion play, I can vividly recall everything to this day.

The closest I ever came to being in one, was being in the background choir (before my voice issues). I had tried once or twice for parts, but i quickly got the feeling the churches didn't want fat Mary's ... =/

At 4:59 AM, Blogger big j said...

They pick you because they ran out of mic's. cause we all know how loud you are.

At 1:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even read this it is toooo long! later me

At 2:18 PM, Blogger Jay said...

I enjoyed the production greatly..for a guy with no lines you did exceptionally well!


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