Friday, June 17, 2005

Good Luck Is On It's Way

You know, I was thinking. Why is it that when someone has one of these chain emails that says something like "If you truly love God you will send this to X number of your closest friends" or even better "If you send this to X number of people you'll win the lottery" or some similar good luck thing like it. Even worse are the negative reinforcements that "If you delete this you will die by noon"! I hate these things and am dissapointed when my Christian friends find it necessary to forward them on. If you think something is worthy of sharing then go through and take out all of these types of sayings and then pass it on. One way to get me to delete something is to tell me not to or else... There is no such thing as luck! God blesses each one of us even when it may not seem like there is much blessing going on. God controls my destiny, not my ability or lack there of to forward emails. God will open opportunities for me to show my love to others, not some statement that would guilt others into thinking that because I am sending this to them that I love them even more somehow. It is God, not emails. Now, I have been truly blessed in my spirit by the messages that have been sent to me over the years, but I am truly angered by people that are intentionally trying to get attention by making others feel guilty. This is just my opinion. What's yours? Let me know and be blessed today.


At 11:09 AM, Blogger Russell said...

I too delete and refuse to read and/or forward any forwards such as these. Sometimes I feel bad because the person forwarding them to me might feel slighted, but sometimes you just have to stand up on principal. IMHO if you really like what a forward has to say, copy out the good stuff and send out a new fresh email without all the >>>> and email addresses attached to it. THAT IS SO ANNOYING!!!

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Kodiak said...

And if the message has >>>>>>>> the email has probably been around. The >>>>>>>>> mean the message has probably been sent to at the least a few of addressee's.


At 3:53 PM, Blogger where's jim? said...

It depends on who is forwarding the email to me. Last year my niece was forwardig a lot of junk to me but she needed the attention. God can even use junk mail to do good.


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