Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Ministry Multipicity

You know, I was thinking. The NewSong Community Church has gotten off to a great start! Over the last week or so I have been blessed to be involved in a 101 class, two small groups, a new prayer ministry that has started, a great worship service and the best Christian concert in the park that I have ever experienced in my life. One thing rang true in each and every one of these events, we need to see this more often. Not done by the same church in the same place but we need to see this kind of thing happening all over the county, state, country and world. Multiplying ministry means that not only do I take what God has blessed me with and do what I can do to further the Kingdom, but it also means that I teach others with similar talents and gifts to do the same thing. This becomes frightening to some because a lot of people find there self worth in doing things that others sometimes can't do or can't do as well. When we teach others what we know, we take the chance on them becoming better at whatever it is we are teaching them then we are. This puts us at risk! We may not be the best singer, prayer warrior, Bible teacher, preacher, administrator, janitor, greeter or whatever any longer. We might actually have to share the spot light with somebody else and the attention won't be on me any longer. Well there's the problem. You have to keep the focus on Jesus! Let the spot light shine on the Almighty! We are just the tools in the master carpenter's hands. Our job is to recruit and make not just more tools but better tools if we can, and leaving the rest up to Him! Let your love and service abound in Jesus today. Be blessed beyond belief today.


At 10:55 AM, Blogger Russell said...

You'd be very interested in the next event I have stewing in my silly head. Very in line with what you are saying. Very in line with Come In Unity. That's all I can say for now.... =)

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

nice alliteration


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