Friday, July 28, 2006

Friday Feast - An Ode To Forgetting

You know, I was thinking. As the Pudgeman grows older it has become evident that his mind does not retain information like it used to! All week what's her name has been telling me that she had a dentist appointment on Friday morning right around the time that I usually call her. So sure enough (since I am such a creature of habit) I called her and heard this sweet loving voice say "good morning dear, I am at the doctor"! DOH! How do you forget something that someone has told you numerous times throughout the week? I guess it's simply because I am getting older......or is it? I got to thinking about this today and I realized that I have had this tendancy throughout my life. So I thought to myself "I've got to blog about this." So, here are my top five things that I forgot and later realized what I had forgotten:

5. One time while in elementary school I got up, had my breakfast, got dressed and went to school. At some point that morning I had to go to the bathroom and I realized that I had forgotten to take off my pajama bottoms before I put on my pants.

4. One time I was going to the school to play trumpet for the school musical. I arrived at the middle school on performance night and realized (after my mom had left) that I had indeed forgotten my trumpet! Fortunately, I forgot it at the high school and our band director helped to rectify the situation!

3. In my junior year of college I woke up one morning and noticed that I only had 10 minutes to get to my 8:30 class! I sprung out of bed completely skipped the shower stuff, got dressed, grabbed my briefcase and literally ran out the door to go to class. When I arrived the building was locked and at that moment I realized.....IT'S SATURDAY!

2. Back in 1988 I was attending the Specs Howard School Of Broadcast Arts in Southfield. I was on my way to school one evening when all of a sudden the truck that I was driving started spitting and sputtering. I pull it over to the side of the road just as it completely died. I sit there for a few minutes cranking the engine and it simply wouldn't fire! I thought man, what could be wrong with this thing? I then looked at the dash and realized that I had forgotten to put gas in the truck!

1. Just a couple of weeks ago I went to the gym for my morning workout. After my workout was finished I got my bag out of the locker (I always pack it the night before). As I am pulling things out I realized that I had not packed clean underware and socks! I had been sweating really good that morning too! I had no choice in the matter! So I got my shower, sprayed the workout underware with as much cologne as I could stand and hi ho hi ho it was off to work I'd go!

So, what are some of those wonderful things that you have forgotten? Share what you dare. Be blessed beyond belief today.


At 8:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm hoping to forget your #1 forgotten story. Otherwise I'll have nightmares!
I remember that I forgot something really important one time - and my wife saying "how could you forget?" - but I'll be darned if I can remember what it was.

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Jay said...

I'm with Bruiser, was it really necessary to share the #1 thing.
Now what was the thing I forgot and then remembered....

At 3:11 PM, Blogger Doug E. Pudge said...


At 4:38 PM, Blogger wowgirl said...

You can try taking ginko bobola, however if you can remember to take it everyday then you probably don't need it.

At 9:42 PM, Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

LOL wow forgot how to spell that herb.

At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have found that when I start to forget things it is a sign that I am trying to do too much and I need to slooowww dooowwwwnnn. Do you ever get that feeling that you are forgetting something but you just can't remember what it is? Did you forget to send me flowers?

At 1:09 AM, Blogger Kodiak said...

He don't send you flowers anymore.

At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmm, could you be thinking that Ms. Amazing may be Ms. Right. I wouldn't blame you.

At 8:02 PM, Blogger Jay said...

Did you, in your ode to forgetting...possibly forget that it's now monday, and time for a new blog post???


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