Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Twelve Step Community

You know, I was thinking. Hello my name is Doug M. and I'm a compulsive gambler! I first spoke those words in May of 1996. I have spoken them many times since. There are a number of "twelve step groups" to help people through many kinds of addictions. My experience the first time around was a positive one but wasn't as effective as it could have been. I was still living in Illinois and struggling because of not having any real community around me to give me what I needed in my life. I remember the very first meeting that I went to, I was afraid! I didn't really know what to expect but was willing to try anything to stop this roller coaster that I was on. When I arrived at the meeting room they had a person take me to another room to answer some questions and to help me discover whether or not I had a problem. I knew coming in that I did have one and was hoping to find some help. Through several weeks of meetings and one on one's with my sponsor I acheived moderate success. I wasn't able to completely stop gambling for whatever reason but I didn't stop trying to quit! To spite their best efforts, twelve step groups cannot help someone that doesn't want to be helped or who is unwilling to take the steps necessary to change.

Gamblers Anonymous and other twelve step groups are extremely successful in helping people leave their addictions and begin to lead more normal lives. But that is all that they usually accomplish. They address the person in relationship to their addiction(s) and leave it at that. Real community will help people face the reality of their short comings but will also build bonds based on other areas of life. Now, by no means am I saying that these groups are not good. In fact they are great and have helped millions recover from addiction. But there has to be more to have a healthy community. It has to dig even deeper than the mess that we have made in order to really change lives. Real community begins with this kind of real honesty and builds from there. Be blessed beyond belief today.


At 10:09 AM, Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

thank you for sharing this, I know that fighting an addiction is a never ending battle. With true community and God, the battle becomes easier. Thank you for being part of my community, you have helped and continue to help me develop into the man God wants me to be.

At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know it occurred to me that this supports the 1st lie stated in the book and workbook I read and worked through last year, "Healing is a Choice". The first lie we are often told is "All you need to heal is God". God is the great healer and He is the one that ultimately fills that void we are trying to fill with either alcohol, drugs, pornography, sex, eating disorders, gambling and even things like anger, bitterness and resentment. We need others in our lives in a genuine, spirit led relationships. We also need to make the choice to connect to others for healing whether it be a 12 step program, professional help, a healthy church, a best friend or a small group. Just as one size does not fit all, we each have to seek the type of connection that best enables us to heal.


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