Thursday, October 06, 2005

Jesus In The Box

You know, I was thinking. On my way into work this morning I was listening to a wonderful lesson on "What is in your box?". The central point of the message was that we all have this box that we focus on. It becomes what centers our lives. One example the pastor used was that if Sammy Sosa's focus is baseball then baseball is in his box! Some people put their jobs, money, health, spouses, friends, posessions or something else. All of these things will fail us and let us down at some point in our lives. As much as I love Jesus and teach of His love and mercy, I will let people down. I will fail people, not on purpose but just by the simple fact that I am human. so what or who is in your box today. If your focus is on Jesus then all will be well, if it is on anything else be prepared to be let down. One other thing that the pastor said this morning was that the best things in life aren't things! I found that profound this morning. Focus on Jesus today and make him the central part of your life. Be blessed beyond belief today.


At 4:28 PM, Blogger Jay said...

Well obviously she missed the idea!
But I dont care who ya are, that right there was funny!
I think a pudging is in order!!!

At 9:04 PM, Blogger loved truly said...

There is a song by Tracy Dawn that talks about putting God in a box. Saying that if we put him in a box he won't be as great as he truly is. I don't believe that you are talking about putting God in a box but focusing on God instead of other things like money, jobs, family. That way God will work through your life and connect you in the best way possible to all of those other things. Is that right?

At 5:59 AM, Blogger Doug E. Pudge said...

Loved Truly you absolutely have it! Ole Girl you are very close to the right idea and J, well you can't help it. Focus is the key word. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, that's really the heart of it. B4T


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