Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Long And Winding Road

You know, I was thinking. This morning is the start of our annual QS audit. I am sitting here with a couple of projects to catch up on but I am pretty much ready to go. I know we as a company are not! There are a number of things that are way behind and things are just not where they need to be. The funny thing is that we knew it was coming. We did not get this thing sprung on us at the last minute. We have had months to prepare and quite frankly, if we all just did what we were supposed to do then none of us would have anything to prepare. We would just simply go into the audit and present what we have and then move along.
Our Christian walk is the same way. There will come a day that all of us will become accountable for our lives. We have decades to prepare but unlike a scheduled audit we have no idea when that day will come. I think if we did know, we'd just push things off until the very last possible minute and try to cram it all into a day or two. But God has not let that be revealed to us. He wants just to do what we're supposed to be doing to the best of our ability all of the time. Now, we are gonna blow it from time to time but God just picks us up, dusts us off and says try again! He's so good! Be accoutable today. Live a life that is worthy of the sacrifice that was made for it and trust in God's promises! Be blessed beyond belief today.


At 10:07 AM, Blogger Four-Leaf K' lover said...

Good point, DEP. Keep 'em coming.

At 2:10 PM, Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

continuous readiness is the new buzzword in the health care industry... we should pull that rhetoric from them and make it meaningful in our Christian walk


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