Monday, May 22, 2006

Why Is It?

You know, I was thinking. There are a l0t of things that make me go hmmmmmm! Things that just seem to defy most logical explanations! So since it is Monday and I am just in one of those moods again, here are some of my thoughts for today:

Why is it that I can go and work out at the gym five days a week and do great, but then when we have one two hour softball practice my knees are so sore that I can hardly move?
Why is it that about the time that you actually think you have figured out the rules to a new game, somebody else comes along who has actually played it and changes everthing you thought you knew.
Why is it that they put an expiration date on sour cream? Will it turn sweet again?
Why is it that when you change the oil on the car, the drain pan is never exactly where you need it to be?
Why is it that women speak to each other in a special code that men cannot understand? And then laugh at us when we try?
Why is it that on the Sunday I am the most tired, the service goes longer than usual? Good, but longer than usual!
Why is it that no matter what I do, God still continues to love me?

Just a few Monday morning thoughts to get you week off right. Be blessed beyond belief today.


At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sore again, eh?

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Superman said...

Doug I was inspired by your post this morning. Here are a few good quotes about wonder.

“Wonder is the basis of worship”

Thomas Carlyle

“The few wonders of the world only exist while there are those with the sight to see them.”

Charles de Lint

“Philosophy begins in wonder. And, at the end, when philosophic thought has done its best, the wonder remains.”

Alfred North Whitehead

“All wonder is the effect of novelty on ignorance”

Samuel Johnson

“Wonder is involuntary praise”

Edward Young

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Jay said...


At 3:40 PM, Blogger Jay said...

Why is it that there is a little handicap chair next to the word verification box?
I,m just gonna give you that one!
Happy monday!

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. C'mon, you had that figured out before you posted today's entry.

2. To keep you from being as good at the new game as you are at euchre.

3. Just like yogurt, it can spoil and "expare."

4. Murphy's law.

5. To keep you guessing.

6. To make you examine your priorities. BTW, do you have specific data to prove that it was longer than usual?

7. To show us how we ought to love others.

Why does God give us so many things that we want, instead of only what we need?

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Kodiak said...

I reminded of that joke where a guy asks God to Build a highway to Hawaii. And God says asl something else. So the guy asks GOd to help him understand women. So God replies "Do you want that to be two or four lanes."
I gave up a long time ago trying to understand women. :-0

At 8:02 AM, Blogger Doug E. Pudge said...

Alright here are a couple more for you:

Why is it that no matter how many times you proof read a post you can still leave a word spelled incorrectly?

Why is it that the snooze button is one of the biggest temptations that I face in the morning?



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