Doug E. Pudge
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
About Saturday
You know, I was thinking. There are several people who frequent this blog from that state immediately to the south of the great state of Michigan (nope not Indiana). I thought the following would be appropriate for our friends who live down yonder:How many OSU football players does it take to change a light bulb? Only two if the directions have pictures.
What do you do when an OSU grad comes to your door? Say thank you and pay them for the pizza.
They stated a new senior level course at OSU..........Introdution to drive thru order taking.
The U of M has made it easier for the OSU team this year to come to Ann Arbor by adding more handicapped parking spaces.
There is a new law that was inacted just this week that keeps the OSU cheerleaders from grazing on Michigan state owned land.
Finally, what do OSU players eat after a heartbreaking loss? I'll let you know Saturday night.
Please feel free to add you own sentiments in the comments section. Just keep it clean and remember that it's all in fun. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
The Voices In My Head
You know, I was thinking. Have you ever been doing something that was stressing you out and all of a sudden an answer came to you from out of the blue? It was like a voice in your head that was actually speaking to you. Something about the thinking process that youf mind will actually seem like it is talking. I am not sure why it works this way, I just know it does. At least my mind does. The mind is an incredible piece of God's work and will always give back whatever is put into it.As I was driving into work this morning the song "The Voice Of Truth" by Casting Crowns came on the radio. How powerful this song is! We need to get in tune with the voice and teachings of the Father. Here are three tips that work for me:
1. Spend time in the word - We need the food of the Spirit to bring out the fruits of the Spirit.
2. Spend time in Prayer - We need to talk to the Creator before talking to the created.
3. Spend time in Fellowship - We need to share ourselves with those who are also called by God.
Please understand that this is not meant to be an exhausted list of what is expected by God, nor is it a cure all or a reason not to do other things. The point here is that the more we spend time doing the things of God, the more those things have the control over our minds. The more the things of God have control over our minds, the more likely we are to hear "the voice of truth" during those stress filled times. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Pride Before The Fall
You know, I was thinking. I'm not sure how many of you know or even care about the latest things going on with a football player by the name of Terrell Owens. You see T.O. as he is called is probably the best wide receiver in the NFL. The problem is, he knows it and isn't afraid to share his knowledge with the entire world. He has been very boasful over the years and has been extremely critical of his Philadelphia Eagle teammates. The comments and attitudes that he has displayed this year have been disgraceful. To spite all of the warnings that were given to T.O. he just kept on being T.O. Until the Eagles organzation said THAT'S ENOUGH! They then suspended him for the rest of the season. Please understand this man IS a great football player. He IS the best receiver in the game today. He IS a big pain in the neck and the team has decided that he IS NOT going to be part of this team anymore!So, here's today's application. Are you a team player or are you a lone ranger? Even if you are the best of the best of the best, do you look out for the good of the team first? We all have giftings and talents that we use both in our secular jobs as well as in our service to God (questionable if those two thoughts should be separte). Sometimes we even rise to the top and are outstanding above all of our peers, but are we a team player? Do we first look out for the benefit of those around us or do we want all of the glory for ourselves? Do something for someone else today. Be a servant in the area that you are indeed a master. Show some love to someone who isn't very loveable and give God all of the glory. Be blessed beyond belief today!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
You'd Think That I Would Know Better
You know, I was thinking. This past Sunday I and about 150 of my closest friends got to experience my pride really come out! As is not unusual for me, I had the opportunity to lead the opening prayer for Sunday morning service. Something that I began doing months ago is that I also read a scripture that I selected for the occasion. Now, this was a powerful scripture from the Psalms and was beautiful to read..............................unless you read it like I did! You see, on the corner of the stage where the mic is for the prayer person, there is very little light. As a person who can see the age of forty in his rear view mirror, trying to read under those conditions is not recommended. I should have known when I opened my bible and said to myself "where'd all the words go" that this wasn't a good idea! Oh, but not me! I began to read a couple.........of........... words.............. at ..............a............. time. About half way through I pulled off my glasses, well that didn't help nearly enough and made it very evident what the problem was. The entire time there was this voice in the back of my head screaming out STOP! JUST STOP! These people love you and would understand that you just can't read the words on the page so JUST STOP! But then this tiny little voice said to can do this! Just keep going, you can do this. The sad thing is that all I had to do was move the mic five feet to the left and all would have been fine, but NO, I had to finish what I started. Bottom line, Dougie can't read! Well at least not in poor lighting conditions! But, I finished the scripture (seemed like about a half hour later) and prayed the prayer (thank goodness it finished with something other than that reading). I then went back to my seat saying "God is in control, God is in control".Now, why do I share this one. First of all I find it quite humorous........... now. Second, I think that when those of us who have been doing things like this for over two decades get up and absolutely fall flat on their faces and still don't get discouraged, that should say a lot to people who don't have as much experience. What I am saying is that perfection is something that we will experience after this life is over. Don't sweat the small stuff. Laugh when it's funny, cry when it's sad, and live every day for Jesus. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Hope In Times Of Trial
You know, I was thinking. One of my favorite old church songs of all time goes like this:My hope is built on nothing less
Then Jesus blood and righteousness
I dare not touch the sweetest frame
But wholey lean on Jesus name
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand
People usually equate hope with wishing. In some circles that might be an accurate practice. But when God is involved hope becomes anticipation. God will always act in situations and circumstances. He doesn't always give us what we ask for but He always will give us what we need exactly when we need it. We will never lack in anything as long as we put our hope in our Lord. He will always provide and protect. No matter what happens He is in control of everything. Now please understand that the Pudge man does not have this down to a science yet! I am still a work in progress. But I am better at it today than I was a year ago but hopefully I am not as good at it as I will be a year from now. Be blessed beyond belief today!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Battlefield Of The Mind
You know, I was thinking. In Romans 12:2 Paul talks about "no longer conforming to the likeness of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." The mind is where it all starts for the children of God. It can be a pure mountain stream or a poluted city river and the wierd thing is that we choose what it will be. We have complete control of what goes into our brains, what we dwell or meditate on, what we make important and what we think is unimportant. It is completely up to us what we allow into our heads! But how does allowing God to renew our minds transform us? It really is a simple answer, when I allow myself to meditate on the things of God, I am allowing the Holy Spirit to do his work of sanctification (clean up) in me. I make it possible for more of God Himself to enter into what I think and do. When I allow all of the things of this world to dominate my thoughts, then I am preventing the Holy Spirit from doing His work in me. Here are some of the areas that I have been working on lately that seem to help me. First of all I have changed what I listen to on the radio. This might seem small but when you spend a great deal of time driving around like I do, you have a lot of time to listen. I have been listening to a local Christian station almost all of the time now and I believe that this has helped me with keeping perspective and ultimately my peace. The next thing is to listen to God more and talk less! Don't get me wrong, I believe strongly in prayer. But part of that time with the Father needs to be spent listening.Hey, I don't have all of the answers to what we need to do to get closer to our Father and become more like Jesus. In fact, I probably mess it up more than anything else. But I will never quit trying to change the man that I am into the man that God wants me to be. Be blessed beyond belief today.