Doug E. Pudge
Monday, January 30, 2006
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
What Is Relevant?
You know, I was thinking. There has been a lot of negative talk about the church growth movement in America today! There are a lot of people out there who are lumping in every growing church into one big pot. Now, I can't speak for every growing church in this country but I can speak about one. Before I do, let me remind all of those who read this blog that the views that are expressed here are mine and not those of any group or groups of people. There are many people that I love and admire who might agree or disagree with my views but that's where our love for Jesus comes in. Just remember that you too can voice your opinion at anytime even in disagreement.With all that said I want to cover two fallacies that are being said about all churches that are growing today. The first is "if a church is growing quickly they must be sacrificing, watering down or not teaching the true gospel of Jesus"! With some groups that might be the case, but where I go to church this is simply not true. I come from a long history of bible believing Christians. At NewSong Community Church I teach in two different small groups and am helping to train some teachers in a third. I teach from the word of God, about God, using the word of God! I believe in a firm Biblical foundation that includes grace, faith, Spirit inspired worship, baptism, communion, repentance, confession, service, peace, and most importantly LOVE just to name a few! These teachings do not explain away being obediant to God but encourage it. Once again I cannot speak for other churches but at NewSong, fundamental Biblical teachings are a must!
The second fallacy is that when a church grows larger they become impersonal and people lose their sense of belonging. Once again, at NewSong we encourage and advise ALL of our members to become a part of a small group. You see small groups (in my opinion) are the key to church survival! This was the example of the first century church and is the example that I follow today. In small groups we can give the Holy Spirit a chance to work through each member for the common good. We allow Him to minister to the needs! These groups give an opportunity for everyone to share in a safe and secure setting that allows guests and members alike to reap the benefits of God's goodness.
If you think that growing churches must be doing something fishy in order bring people in, or that they have lost a sense of Biblical teaching, then you don't know NewSong. We are a Bible believing, God fearing, loving, relevant group of Christians who are just doing our best to bring people into a real relationship with Jesus. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Unity In Jesus
You know, I was thinking. In our Sunday night group we have been doing a deep study into the book of 1 Corinthians. We have been looking at what Paul was trying to teach the church that met in Corinth about unity. You know, there are a ton of reasons why churches have division in their ranks but what Paul boils the whole thing down to is LOVE! When we in the Lord's body (no matter where we meet) love each other as unconditionally as possible, all of a sudden divisions will disappear. Now, this does not mean that we all will want the same worship style or will have the same traditions. The one common thread that we all have is the Holy Spirit! It is the Holy Spirit that can bring unity out of division. It is the Holy Spirit that brings harmony out of disharmony. It is the Holy Spirit that can create an atmosphere of healing when there is nothing but pain and suffering all around us. It is the Holy Spirit that can teach us to love as God loves without condition or selfishness. You see the enemy's greatest power today is not to keep us from teaching and preaching Jesus, but to keep us bickering amongst ourselves so that the rest of the world looks at ALL of Christiandom and says "hey, they're no better off then we are, what do I need with Jesus". Let's all recommit ourselves to the great commission "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit" and the great commmandment "love the Lord your God with all of your mind, heart and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself. You know, if we spent our time fulfilling these two scriptures, we would have no need or desire to argue amongst ourselves. Blessed be the name of Jesus! Be blessed beyond belief today.Friday, January 20, 2006
Friday Feast - An Ode To The Automobile
You know, I was thinking. It is that time of year again when all of America is focusing on Detroit. Now, this has nothing to do with the upcoming Superbowl, but rather the North American International Auto Show! So I thought Detroit................Cars...............Friday Feast time. So here they are, the top five vehicles that have been personally owned by the Pudgeman over the years:5. The 1968 Green Chevy Imala - Nicknamed the Green Bomb. The first car that was actually mine! Started driving this monster during my junior year of high school. My brother had owned it before me and had redone the engine with a high lift cam and oversized pistons. This car would flat out hit it and get it. It lasted me until my Sophomore year of college when a freak accident (while my roomate was driving) destroyed the rear end of the car, but the engine and tranny were fine. More about that later.
4. The 1988 Lt. Blue Mercury Sable Wagaon - Nicknamed the War Wagon, this vehicle went over 260,000 miles. When I got the car in 1997 it had less than 80,000! This beauty lasted me up until December of 2004 when I officially retired it because there was absolutely no heat! Ah, but what memories I have of that car slowly deteriorating around me! Excuse me while I wipe a tear from my eye.
3. The 1981 Brown Ford Escort - No nickname here. This is the car I married in to. It was owned by my Fiancee (later my wife) and was a great vehicle for economy. I was tipping the scales at over 350# at the time so I must have looked pretty funny behind the wheel of that thing. The five speed standard transmission went through three clutches in the five years we had the car, we finally sold it to some college student who had to put another clutch in it.
2. The 1988 Dk. Blue Ford Taurus Wagon - Nicknamed the WWII (that's War Wagon II thanks to Sammy) this is the current and soon to be retired ride for the Pudgeman! This car was just given to me by a friend and although I have only owned this car for a little over a year, it has become synonomous with Pudgemania! But, alas, it too is crumbling around me and must soon be replaced. I will miss it's roomy interior and 18 miles to the gallon!
1. The 1974 Red Monte Carlo - Nicknamed Monte, this was the car that replaced the Green Bomb! I bought this vehicle from a friend with a severe engine knock because I planned on putting the engine and tranny from the Green Bomb into it. This was the sweetest ride I have ever owned. Great sound system, beautiful paint job, spotless interior, could fit up to 6 college students in it, and the chicks dug it! Very few cars could ever top this one. I only had it for two years when a severe electrical problem side lined the car and I sold it to my buddies dad who scrapped it out.
There you have it! Pudge's top five vehicles ever. You won't see any of these at this year's auto show, but they will live forever in my heart. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Shower Theology
You know, I was thinking. Sunday morning when I woke up I went down stairs and got the coffee going, let the dog out and realized that I am really tired! I had been going full tilt for about 5 days straight without really any down time and I was just plain wiped out! But, it was Sunday and I had a lot of things that needed to be done before I got to church so I finished my coffee and got in the shower. Somewhere between the sudsing up and the rinsing off a neat little three point sermon entered my head. One that I had heard before but still real applicable. It was the one about the differences between the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee. You know about how the Dead Sea only take and never gives so it has no life. The Sea of Galilee give and takes and has a ton of life in it and around it. Those were the first two points the third one is the one that hit me. What happens to a sea that only give and doesn't take back in? Well, I thought, it dries up! It becomes an empty sea bed. That's when I realized that I was running low. I realized that I hadn't spent enough time for my own regeneration! I realized that I needed to fill back up again. You see when I get busy it seems that I neglect my personal study time (not prepping for teaching, but time in the Word just because) and I hadn't been praying like I usually do. So, I did the things that needed to be done before I got to church and headed straight for the prayer room. I shared with Jim and Russ that I wanted them to pray for me to be refilled! I was starting to run empty. Now, if I don't do this I know what will happen. It's going to lead to burn out. This week is a week dedicated to restoration! Restoration of my study, prayer, eating and exercise habits! Treating the whole person body, sould and spirit. I have to find more balance! God is always there to give us the messages that we need BEFORE we have a problem! We just have to take time to listen. Be blessed beyond belief today.Thursday, January 12, 2006
Insignificant Yet The Best Of Creation
You know, I was thinking. Last night in our men's group we discussed Psalm 139 and in the particular discussion that I was engaged in we came to this conclusion: We are so insigificant when compared to the vastness of God's creation, yet we are important enough for God to care about our every thought, desire, ambition and hope! God's love is so big and encompassing that we can't even begin to understand it. Here we are on just on planet among trillions of others in the universe and God cares about each and everyone of us as if we were His only concern. A good friend of mine over the last several days keeps reminding me that I am a child of the King! That's something that is easy to forget and yet so important to remember.I may not always get what I want or get my way but I do know this that as long as I am doing my best to follow the leading of the Father, It's gonna be alright. Don't expect perfection because we are all going to blow it from time to time. That's why we need to spend time in the Word, in prayer and in fellowship with one another. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
What Do You Wake Up To?
You know, I was thinking. For the past several years now (I really don't know how many) I've been waking up to the same song. You see my alarm clock has a CD player on it and you can set it to wake up to a song on a CD. Back in about 2001 the group South 65 (country & never really made it big) had a song out that just absolutely spoke volumes to me. The song title is "A Random Act Of Simple Kindness". I never could find the CD that it was on but I did find the single on CD. So for about $2 I bought it. I have been waking up to it ever since. Why you might ask? Just because that the thought that I like to start everyday with! The heart of the song is that we always hear about all of the bad stuff going on in the world but rarely do we hear about the good stuff. So instead of just letting this take a hold of you, we need to go out and start practicing random acts of simple kindness. In other words take control and make a difference. I like starting my day with that thought.So, what are you waking up to? How do you start your day? Maybe your start has nothing to do with how you wake up, but your routine after you do wake up! No matter how you choose to do it, start each day with a positive note. Give you day to God new every single day. Don't just try it, make it a habit! A lifestyle! You will be amazed as to how it will change you. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
So Much To Say, So Little Time
You know, I was thinking. I have way too many people running around in my head looking for their opportunity to give their input on this blog. They all want a crack at sharing something funny, whitty, insightful or just plain dumb. They are all looking for their 15 minutes of fame and for some stupid reason they think they're going to find it here! Well while I am still in control (who really knows how long that's going to be) I am going to be the one writing no matter what anybody else who is living in my head seems to think about it!Now, with that said, have you ever noticed how some people go through their whole life living in fear? Have you ever noticed that there are people out there who are more concerned about what other people think about them then they are about the person that God has made them. Have you ever met a person who makes a career out of being worried? Or perhaps someone who is so paranoid that they won't even leave their home? What about Christians who didn't receive the memo yet that they are victorious? Have you ever met any of those? You know the kind of people who go around living their lives in fear that they are going to anger God and aren't really sure whether they are saved or not! There is a song by Chris Tomlin that I have adopted as my theme song for 2006:
I'm going to live like there's no tomorrow
I'm going to dance like no one's around
I'm going sing like nobody's listening
Before I lay my body down
I'm going to give like I have plenty
I'm going to love like I'm not afraid
I'm going to be the man I was meant to be
I'm going to be the way I was made
God has called us to live a life that glorifies HIM! We cannot do that while hiding behind closed doors and trembling. You and I have the power to overcome anything that this world or the enemy throws at us, so let's live a life that says that. Be blessed beyond belief today.