Doug E. Pudge
Monday, July 30, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Professional Job Searching
You know, I was thinking. I have been offically out of work for two weeks now and am going out of my mind with sending resumes, talking on the phone and doing follow up emails. I haven't done much interviewing yet just one sit down and about a half a dozen phone interviews with companies and recruiters.There are some things that I am learning along the way that have become very helpful in presenting myself in the best light possible and I thought I would share them with you. Some of them I have learned from other people but most of them are my own personal observations:
1. It is better to type your resume rather than using crayolas! I thought that color would get more attention, I guess some people don't have the same fondness for burnt siena as I do!
2. When talking on the phone it is best to put your lunch down and try not to burp.
3. When scheduling an interview the statement "2 o'clock really doesn't work for me, can we do three? My nap is usually over with by then." is often followed by the sound of the dial tone.
4. When going to an interview it is important to look your best. Although freshly pressed pants are not a requirement, I have found that wearing pants is!
5. "Bringing comic relief to the office" should really not be listed as a job skill!
6. Most companies do not consider Gene Roddenberry's birthday as a national holiday so don't make it a deal breaker when negotiating a contract for employment!
7. Speak clearly, confidently and look the interviewer square in the eye..... but resist the urge to speak in pig latin!
8. When being asked questions about previous employment it is a bad idea to begin any statement with the words "well, in one of my past lives I was..."!
9. It is better to ask what a particular companies policies are concerning conflict resolution than to ask "what are the rules of engagement?"
10. Do not every under any circumstances say something like "my personal psychic said you'd hire me today!"
11. Do not take a job when they list lottery tickets as their retirement plan.
12. Never put on a resume or admit in an interview that the murder charges being dropped because of a police screw up.
13. When applying for a job on line, most companies will ask you questions about your race, ethnicity and sex that you can answer only if you wish. If you do answer them make sure that you answer them honestly. I found it hard portraying a black, latino, jewish woman but nearly got the job!
I hope that these tips will help anyone else out there who is looking for a job! The most important things really are to be honest, accurate, confident, neat looking but most importantly never take your beer into the interview with you! Be blessed beyond belief today.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
It's Been Awhile
You know, I was thinking. It has been ten days since I last posted anything so it's about time that I did. During this time many things have happened. I haven't heard anything yet about the job out in PA but it is looking like the job is going to an internal candidate. I do have another resume in for a different position in Hazleton, PA that would actually be a better job for me but I haven't had any activity yet on that one. The best lead that I have right now involves a Materials Manager position over in Howell. The job is listed with a company that has someone there that is a friend of Rachel's! It is kind of funny how this person gave his recommendation for me to interview for the position before the recruiter that contacted me had a chance to send my resume over! I expect to hear from that sometime tomorrow.On another note, Rachel got a phone call from the school she works at on Thursday letting her know that letters went out to the parents of all the students asking for a tuition increase for the year. The bottom line here is that if they don't get the increase then the school will be closing. That would put both of us out of work! Not a good situation right now so needless to say that we do indeed covet your prayers right now.
Then on yet another note I have been dealing with some fallout from my former employer. I won't go into details right now about anything but let me admit to all of you that I am not proud of how I have conducted myself in some matters dealing with them. I do believe that forgiveness has been given to me by my God and my wife but there is still some fallout to handle and it is being handled with all due dilligence.
It is not easy admitting when you have done something wrong and it is even more difficult to deal with all of the fallout from it. But, I have been shown a lot of love and compassion by those who are in the loop about all of these things and I am eager to go beyond this. I know that over time all things will be made whole again but it just stinkin' hurts to know that I have done something wrong that has caused a great deal of pain and suffering to people that I truly care for. Once again I covet your prayers for me and for my family.
On a positive note, I have received it on good athority that God is still the creator of the universe and that He is still in control. I have also received word that Jesus is still the Lord of my life and that His Spirit still resides in me. Quite frankly, the universe is still running the way it is supposed to run and I am just one small piece of that universe. No matter what might happen in life to throw you a curve ball, whether you've caused it yourself or not, God is always there to help you deal with the mess as long as you allow Him to help. I cannot tell you how much comfort I have had knowing that these past couple of weeks.
As you go through your day today give God the praise, as you walk through life this week give God the glory, and if you really mess things up then let the people you love know about it and allow them to help you though it. None of us can do it on our own but when we all live a life of true community then we indeed can "do all things through Christ who strengthens us...." Be blessed beyond belief today.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Tonight I learned that Victory Grace Fraley (Jamie & Ronda's daughter) fell out of her stroller and hit her head today. She does have a fractured skull and is bleeding into her brain. She was taken to the U of M hospital and diagnosed. They do not have a bed for her so they are taking her by ambulance to Children's Hospital in Toledo. This great niece of mine was born in March and is very special. Jamie is such a special nephew that I just can't even begin to say. He and I always are kidding around with each other but I love him and Ronda so much that I am hurting for them right now in this. I want everyone who reads this to solicit God for her immediate healing. God is in control and is on the move here. All those who can and are willing I would like to call for a day of prayer and fasting on behalf of Victoria Grace from 6 a.m. on Friday morning until 6 a.m on Saturday morning. Please join me in this effort.In other less pressing news, today was my last day at Autoform. There are a lot of mixed feeling right now but most of all I am focused on what I need to do next. Please keep me and my family in prayer also at this time. I have never been so sure of God's provision than right now. I know that He will answer this prayer.
You know, I was thinking. God is bigger than head injuries and jobs. In fact these things are so small compared to God's power and wisdom. I wish I had the kind of faith that it takes to move the mountains that Jesus speaks of but it seems like I depend way to much on what I can see and touch. Let us all remember just how much God loves us and that no matter what happens God is God and He knows what He is doing. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Just got a call from sis and Victoria is going to be released and sent home. A couple of things that I need to correct is that they were at Herrick in Tecumseh when the decision was to go to Children's Hospital. Anyway, things are going well for her and she is doing fine. Thank you all for keeping this held up in prayer. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Record Temps And Amish Produce
You know, I was thinking. As I sit here at Stately Thorpe Manor in beautiful south central Pennsylvania I think of how absolutely blessed I am. God has allowed me to spend a couple of days with my good pal and his family as well as have a great job interview. Today was another nearly 100 degree day with very high humidity but nothing could spoil today for me. I know that many of my loyal readers don't want to hear this but the interview went well! My thoughts after the interview was that I would be very surprised if there wasn't a job offer from this. Currently there is nothing else happening with any of the resumes that I have submitted or phone interviews that I have done. Our plant will more than likely be closed by the end of the month and I will be out of a job. There is nothing else even on the radar at this point in time. Many times I have asked God to give me only one choice so that I really do the right thing. I know that this doesn't mesh with everyone's idea of how to follow God's will but this has always worked for me. Bottom line is that by this time next week or even sooner we will know about an offer.In other news, I took the time today to take a little prayer drive on the way back from the interview. I didn't take the direct route back to the Thorpe's but I drove through some of the Amish areas. I saw farmers out and about, people minding their produce stands and a few riding on their bikes. It was a wonderful drive and time of prayer.
Let me leave you with these thoughts:
Lead your family, follow God and get out of the way of pridful thinking.
Make the most of every minute of everyday and take time to be quiet and listen, even if all you hear are crickets.
Love hard and be thankful in all things.
Be blessed beyond belief today.
Friday, July 06, 2007
A Night With The Whole Family

You know, I was thinking. Yesterday Rachel, the boys and I took a little road trip up to Traverse City to see Sarah. This is the first time that the rest of the family have met her and the night went off without a hitch. We are all staying at the Great Wolf Lodge which is a fantastic, family oriented place. They have got a huge indoor waterpark which got the best of Daniel after only two hours so you know there must be a lot to do. While Rachel, Sarah, Daniel and yours truly went down to get wet, Micheal stayed in the room and allowed his laptop to entertain him for the rest of the evening. He slept on the coach next to where Rachel and I slept and I know that he was up until at least 2 a.m. How can a kid stay on a computer that long and not even blog! Oh well back to the evening. So at about 9 last night Rachel and Sarah decided that they had enough fun and wanted to go back to the room, Daniel on the other hand wasn't done yet. So, being the good dad that I am, I volunteered to stick around with the boy. Luckily for me there was a bar and an ice cold Blue made the time pass a little more pleasantly! Daniel lasted until 9:30 and asked ME if we could go back to the room. Of course I allowed that, I'm not a slave driver you know.
So the boy and I head back to the room. Rachel is just getting ready to order pizza for us and I am getting ready to hit the shower. So there we were Micheal on his laptop, Rachel pulled out hers and starting looking at real estate again (go figure) Daniel split his time between watching TV and watching whatever Micheal was doing on his laptop and Sarah and I just sat there eating pizza together and talking! That in is a good night in my book. We all had a lot of fun, a lot of laughs but most importantly it had that feel of family. I can't believe how quickly Rachel and the boys integrated things with Sarah. It really was like we all belonged together. I guess that's just one dad's euphoric way of looking at things. Let me put it like this, the smile I had on my face last night is still there this morning. It is now almost 9 a.m. I am the only one awake. We have to check out in only a couple of hours and as badly as I need to continue this day there is a part of me that would like to make time stand still and live in this moment for awhile. Sitting here with my coffee, my laptop, my quiet time and my family surrounding me (even though they are sleeping and at least three of them are snoring at any given time) is a blessing from God that I just can't begin to put into words.
Shortly we will be on our way back down state. I'm sure we will stop for some cherries on the way home. Daniel is off to his dad's house tonight and will be going to camp for a week on Sunday. Rachel and I will turn around and hit the road for Pennsylvania on Sunday morning. Micheal will be doing whatever it is Micheal does when we're not at home (don't really want to know as long as the police aren't involved) and Sarah will be back to her life up here in the greater Traverse City area. Take time today to live in those little moments that God blesses you with. Enjoy the people that you have in your life and realize that things are happening way too fast out there and we all need to slow down and love on each other for awhile. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Six Months Today
"Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well!"
Be blessed beyond belief today.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
I Done Got Tagged
You know, I was thinking. It was bound to happen and now it has, I got tagged by Stef and now I've got to list 5 things that I dig about Jesus and then tag five other people. So here we go with the list:1. He love me first.
2. He knew that He didn't have to worry about what to wear, eat or a place to live because He was the son of God! Amazing that I still struggle with that worry thing now and again.
3. Jesus really cares about people and desires to have a relationship with them.
4. Jesus loved to take on the common thought of the day and make fools out of those that thought they were wise.
5. He hung out with some other very cool guys! I guess I'm a little partial to that Simon the Zealot guy.
So, I am going to go out and tag:
Pastor Tom
Be blessed beyond belief today!