Good Decision Making
You know, I was thinking. God has blessed me with the fact that I have a job and that I can earn a resonable living! Most of you who know me have heard me whine and complain about the company where I work. There is no question in my mind that I am not doing what I wish I could be doing to make a living, but.................................I am making a living. I have spent all of my morning either preparing for or being in meetings. Meetings are one of those necessary evils of Corporate America! They do serve a purpose but they certainly interfere with what I believe I should be doing. But, I go to them without complaining or whining and do what I have to do. The president of our company made the decision that she needed all of the managers together after our weekly staff meeting to hold a mini-seminar on the "Decission Making Process"! Now, I am not against learning new and insightful ways of looking at our existance as a corporation and I am aware that I don't have all of the answers, but some of my piers don't have the same attitude.
As I do in most of our meetings I sit there and do a lot of listening and really do not speak unless spoken to (yes, this was a hard thing to learn). Today I realized why I do that. During both meetings today the president and the operations manager were going back and forth with each other and never really took the time to listen to what the other had to say! They both had a point to make (more like an axe to grind) and they were both right and wrong about what they were talking about. They had enough common ground to be able to discuss things rationally, but chose not to do that. As I sat and listened to this going on and on and on...I realized that they were starting to talk about things that involved me. I also realized that pretty soon I was going to be "spoken to" and would have to actually express a thought. So here I am quietly taking notes and the question comes "Doug, what do you think?". I took a deep breath, lowered my voice, spoke distinctly and slowly and I gave my answer. At that moment the heated battle stopped and all eyes were focused on me! All of a sudden, I had the ball in my court and had to continue to explain why I thought something didn't work! After I was finished, I sat back, looked at my notes and began listening again. I realized then that all the arguing that had been going on had ceased and the meeting finished on a high note! A soft answer does indeed turn away anger. It just caught me by surpise today. Looks like I learned something about making good decisions. Be blessed beyond belief today.
It's Not Mine Anyway
You know, I was thinking. We all have this false impression that somehow we go out into this world, earn a living, raise a family and live our lives so that we might OWN some things! The reality is that we really don't own anything at all! We simply are given charge of it so that we might be able to bless God in the process. Psalm 24:1 says: " The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it...." God owns it all! He controls it all! He and He alone makes the decisions as to what pleases Him in how He will bless us! God is a dictator. A loving, kind, benevolent, caring & righteous dictator. God does not govern by committee or a democratic process, He is a single entity ruler! The thing about this is that He is so caring about His people that He has given us and will continue to give us the best He has. I have been so blessed in know so many people over the years. Many of whom (myself included) actually lose track of who is in charge! We have somehow been deceived that it is up to us to make things happen. Now, don't get me wrong, we all have responsibilities. By being responsible we can open the doors to the blessings of the father. Remember, don't judge a blessing based on material things or dollar signs. Judge for yourself how you grow and become closer to the Father though the tough times. God will always provide! He will always care! But mostly He will always love. Be blessed beyond belief today.
The Power Of Love
You know, I was thinking. Every now and then I like to take a trip to the book of Romans for a little extra pick me up. Today this particular scripture is on my heart from Romans chapter 8:
31What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 33Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 34Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. 35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." 37No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
What Paul is saying here is that there is nothing that we can do to stop God from loving us. God loves the best of the best and the worst of the worst! His love is perfect! There is absolutely nothing that we could possibly ever do in our lives that would stop God's love for us. I don't know about you but where I come from that is totally awesome! Now, what should our response be once we learn to accept God's love? As far as I am concerned I want to make God happy! I want to please Him! I want to live each and every day the best I can for Him. We are so blessed to have this love in our lives. Don't ever question it or doubt it. It is the most sure thing that any of us can put our hope in. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Breaking The Old Patterns
You know, I was thinking. Lately the Pudgeman has been making a number of changes to his life (kinda nice talking about yourself in the third person). It is funny how things will hit me sometimes as to WHY they happen. God has certainly been bringing me through one of the toughest valleys that I have ever been through. Although I do consider that I am still in the valley, I have found His peace and His love in all of it. God has taken a man who was stressing out like a mad man just three weeks ago and absolutely calmed the storm around me. What is the difference? Why all of the changes? Because God has said to do it! You see in the valley God is still communicating with you! He is still pursuing a relationship with you. The problem is that when we are in the valley we feel we cannot hear or feel God! The reason for this (in my humble opinion) is that we are focusing on the valley itself! The valley becomes our God so to speak. We lose perspective.
So, after much prayer and listening to some great brothers and sisters in the Lord, I have made some lifestyle changes that have virtually eliminated the stress all together. Although the spiritual side of the issues had to be dealt with, there were some physical and psychological changes that were necessary as well! God's answers in this case came through some of His people! I spent hours in prayer and in fasting but I had never stopped to really share what I was feeling with people! When I did that, the solutions came quickly and easily. God has spoken volumes to me through others. I have had to break some bad eating habits, I have had to start exercising and I have had to allow myself to love and to be loved. All of this has not been easy but then again growth never is! God has answered a lot of prayers and has brought me much comfort but He wanted me to do some things to help myself! He needed me to take action! Allow yourself to share your burdens, listen to God and make the changes to your life when necessary. Be blessed beyond belief today.
He Is Risen Indeed
You know, I was thinking. I was blessed beyond belief this weekend. God has brought so many answers to so many questions in my life. We all felt the sorry and guilt at the Good Friday service. What a overwhelming feeling of grief that I had that day. Really understanding that it was me that hung Jesus on that cross. Staying and watching most of the Passion movie was a great experience as well. I have seen it before so I knew what was coming next most of the time, but it still impacts me. So to bottom line this for you, my focus on Friday did indeed make that day "Good".
Sunday came with an anticipation for me! Without a doubt NewSong had the best Easter service that I have ever attended! The opening of the service was incredible! God blessed all of us yesterday with a wonderful worship and time of praise to him. We set a new attendance record as well with over 300 in attendance! Man, God is so good! He has just opened up the flood gates of blessings on us.
In the midst of all of this great time with the Father was some much needed time spent in developing the relationship that I have begun with Rachel. There we go, I have now actually mentioned her name on this blog! We spent the majority of the afternoon on Saturday together and she came out for Easter dinner and has now met the majority of my family! She did not go running and screaming away so things are either going pretty well or she is indeed more insane than I am! But seriously, most of you have been asking about her and have been in prayer that God will guide us. Please continue that effort! God is blessing us with time together and a desire to discover what his plan is in our lives.
Much going on because today is Monday. May God bless you beyond belief today.
Just Don't Forget To Remember
You know, I was thinking. Today is of course Good Friday. This is the day that many people in the world will take to remember the crucifixion of our Lord. It is a somber day to say the least because of the suffering that was required for my sin. I would just like to encourage everyone to take a little time today in the Word and in prayer to thank Jesus for what He did for us. Here is what I do to bring it in perspective. I view myself at the scene of Pilate addressing the crowd! I see myself being one of those who shout out to release Barabas! I also view myself as one of those who when asked "what do I do with Jesus?", am yelling CRUCIFY HIM, CRUCIFY HIM! That puts His sacrifice into great perspective for me. We can say very accurately that Jesus died to save the world. But today look at it more that Jesus suffered, bled and died to save ME! I am without a doubt feeling the conviction as I write this post! Remember "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son. That who soever believes in Him should have eternal life". Be blessed beyond belief today.
He Is Listening
You know, I was thinking. Many times we go to God in prayer asking for clarity and guidance! Even when our faith allows us to trust and believe that God will answer us in His way and in His time we still become anxious! Why is it that when God answers prayers and gives us exactly what we ask for it blows our minds? I don't know (been saying that a lot lately)! I just know it does. I rarely share lyrics on this blog but today I want to share the following:
Listen To Our Hearts
How do you explain
How do you describe
A love that goes from east to west
And runs deep as it is wide
You know all our hopes
Lord you know all are fears
And words cannot express the love we feel
But we long for you to hear
So listen to our hearts
Hear our spirits sing
A song of praise that flows
From those you have redeemed
We will use the words we know
To tell you what an awsome God you are
But words are not enough
To tell you of our love
So listen to our hearts
If words could fall like rain
From these lips of mine
And if I had a thousand years
Lord I would still run out of time
If you listen to my heart
Every beat would say
Thank you for the life
Thank you for the truth
Lord thank you for the way
So listen to our hearts
Hear our spirits sing
A song of praise that flows
From those you have redeemed
We will use the words we know
To tell you what an awsome God you are
But words are not enough
To tell you of our love
So listen to our hearts
What is your heart saying to God today? You know that He is listening. Be blessed beyond belief today.
You know, I was thinking. Marion Jackson (Bub) Mollette was born on March 26, 1924. It was exactly 11 years ago today that I was sitting in the training room at Eby Brown in Ypsilanti. I was going through procedures with a new CDL driver when the call came. It was my sister-in-law Renee telling me that they had rushed dad to the hospital. The moment that she said it I knew that we had lost dad. This was indeed one of the sadest days of my life and I didn't know how to deal with the pain of losing him! But somhow, with God's help I figured it out. Today, I have a number of fond memories of dad, one of which I would like to share with all of you today.
I couldn't have been more than 6 years old at the time. It was a Saturday evening is about all I can remember about the date. Dad and I were sitting in the living room and he put on a record that he loved to listen to. It was Buddy Emmons who played steel guitar jazz! Now, if you have never heard steel guitar jazz, you don't know what you're missing. It was getting up kind of late in the evening so I was already in my pajamas and I was laying on the couch with my head on dad's lap listening to the record. The next thing I know, it was morning and I was waking up in my bed! I knew immediately that I had fallen asleep on my father's lap and that he had carefully carried me up the stairs and put me to bed without waking me up. There was such a peace and love that was there with that very tough and diciplined man. A gentleness that not everyone got to see. That moment has been burned deep into my memory and I pray that I never forget it.
My father was not perfect. He was simply a man. But, if I can become even a tenth of what he was, I will live an incredibly blessed life. We all have a perfect Father though, one who's love and care are perfect. God loves me more that dad was ever able to love me. That absolutely blows my mind. I am just thankful that I had a dad who loved me the best he could. Be blessed beyond belief today.
And Now The Pain Begins
You know, I was thinking. Over the past few months there have been many changes in the Pudgeman's life. With those changes have come many different challenges that have helped me to grow as a Christian and as a person. I think of all of the things that used to scare me to death that are now just part of life. I have been doing my best to balance out my life lately. I have dedicated myself to the Word and to prayer. I have been blessed with the challenges of a new ministry. I have once again become socially active (that means I'm dating again). I am striving to be a better worker for my employer. All of this has been getting on track very nicely and is moving in some postive directions but I realized that something has been missing. Pastor Tom spoke some great wisdom to me a couple of weeks ago when I was really stressed out about things in my life. He mentioned something that hit me as strange at first but the more I dwelt on it, the more I realized that he was right. On top of all of the other things that I am doing to get my life on track I have neglected the most and exercise! I have some very bad habits that need to be dealt with in these areas. So, I prayed about it and have made some solid changes in what I eat (not depriving myself, just making smarter choices) and I am going to the gym every morning. Yep, my already packed schedule had about an hour that used to be spent watching the news or reading the paper. That hour is now all about dragging my sorry butt out of bed and going in to the gym for a workout. I found out something lately, all of those years of inactivity have taken some toll on me. This morning I am quite sore! Muscles that haven't known what to do in awhile are now waking up and saying "hey Doug, I'm hear"!
I think about how that applies to our walk with the Lord. People who have never known Jesus or those who know him but haven't known what to do about that knowlege are now coming to him in droves! These people are going to receive so much love and teaching that they are going to become spiritually sore. Just as I have a temptation to quite what I am doing to keep from feeling pain physically, many young Christians are going to do the same spiritually. But just as I have come to realize that the pain of working out eventually settles down and the good will come pouring out, so will the young Christian realize that if they keep on doing the right things that the growing pains will also go away and Jesus will come pouring out! Positive life changes aren't easy but they are always worth the time and effort that you put into them. The old saying "no pain, no gain" can be applied to a number of areas in our lives. May God bless you beyond belief today!
The Gospel According To............................Pudge?
You know, I was thinking. Saturday evening ONOM came over with his family. He and I were raking up hickory nut, starting fires and terrorizing children (it's what we do)! In the midst of this whole evening of fun and fellowship, ONOM asked me what I thought about the latest incredible finding.....................The Gospel Of Judas. Well, we discussed all of the merits of the case (took about 5 minutes) and then ONOM pipes in with. "You know one of these days there is going to be this great computer meltdown. Somebody a couple hundred years from now will find this old hard drive and uncover your (referring to me) blog! They will then realize that they have found the lost Gospel Of Pudge"! Now, if that don't scare you, nothing will. I love writing things about how God has blessed my life and the people that I love and admire. I enjoying hearing all of the comments and thoughts of all of you loyal readers. I even like the copy and paste comments that are pertinant and add merit to what I have written. But let me splane something to all of you. Weigh everything that I write against scripture! I am just a man who has been blessed beyond belief by the almighty in many aspects of my life. An inspired writer, NO! I know that God has used some of these thoughts to bless others (as I have been blessed by other's writings) but never take anything you read at face value. If you find even a hint of scriptural impropriety, call me on the carpet with it. Just like with anything else that you might read from Reverend X, Pastor Y or Dr. Z! If it goes against anything that is scripturally based, then do not pattern your life after it. God has blessed many people through writings that started with Martin Luther and have come all the way to Rick Warren. But again, mere humans with unique gifts that can point you to the Father.
Bottom line this for you here. There has not, is not and will not be a Gospel According To Pudge. God is in control and if you receive a blessing in anyway from what you may read in something I publish, then thank Him for it! "Love the Lord you God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength...and love your neighbor as yourself...." Be blessed beyond belief today.
Let's Lighten Things Up!
You know, I was thinking. In ancient times men would beat stick on the ground and swear at the top of their lungs, people called it madness. Today when men beat sticks on the ground and swear at the top of their lungs, they call it GOLF! Ah yes, golf! It is either the greatest sport invented by man or the biggest practical joke ever played by God! In honor of the Master's tournament that begins today, I want to just pay tribute to the glorious sport called golf!
One day Jesus, Moses and Peter came down from heaven (forget theology here and work with me, this is a funny one) to play a round of golf. The first hole is a 545 yard par five that has water on the left and nothing but trees on the right. The ideal first shot is would be at least 300 yards down the middle of the fairway. Peter is first on the tee. He pulls out his driver and crushes a drive straight down the middle of the fairway 305 yards. A magnificent shot! Moses is next. He pulls out his driver and absolutely launches one that is also straight down the middle of the fairway and ends up at 325 yards. An astonishing shot to say the least! Now it's Jesus' turn. He looks at Peter and Moses and says "you know, I was thinking. I once saw Jack Nickalus hit a one iron 330 yards". So Jesus pulls out his one iron hits the ball hard and pulls the it hard left. The shot did make it over the water but ended up in a lot of trouble and Jesus would have a difficult second shot. The three began going to their respective shots. Jesus decided that he would just walk across the pond to get to his shot. Another foresome witnessed Jesus walking across the pond. One of the men yelled out "hey who do you think you are? The saviour of the world or something?" Peter yells back and says "no, he thinks he's Jack Nickalus"!
Be blessed beyond belief today!
A Few Things I Am Learning
You know, I was thinking. It is no surprise to anyone who knows me and reads this blog on a regular basis that I have been in the valley of battle lately. One of the joys of the valley is understanding that there is something to learn along the way. Over the past couple of days my situations in life haven't improved but have even become more stressful. But, my joy has once again returned (at least on some level) and I can feel and hear God again! It is normal for me to challenge myself regularly to become the best me that I can become for God. In doing that sometimes I seem to develop some unrealistic expectations. I was convinced that I had shared my struggles one night at our mens group meeting and was wondering why it felt like I was still carrying this burden all by myself. I have learned this week that what I shared that night did not even remotely touch the hem of what was really going on with me. This is one of the battles that I have had with the deceiver! Upon further review, I realized that I had started to internalize the hurt and pain that I was feeling because I wasn't able to feel and hear God while I was fighting this battle. I can't tell you how many times that I would recite or read Romans chapter 8 and know without a doubt that God loved me and would never abandon me! But something was missing so what conclusion did I come to? Well I must be doing something wrong. There must be some sin there that is preventing you from hearing the Father! Wrong! You see, although there is always going to be sin, God has forgiven me before it even happens! God will not prevent me from hearing His voice when I am really seeking Him. So why is it that my peace has been gone? Why haven't I heard God? Simple, the voice that I have been listening to has either been mine or that of the deceiver! I was looking in the valley for the answers to making it through the valley! I was stumbling around in the darkness looking for the light switch! I was led to believe that I could see the answers right where I was. Wrong again! After sharing some specifics with Peter, James and John (read yesterday's post if you don't understand) I began to gain perspective! I began to feel and hear the father again. Although I believed fully that I had done this step to a certain degree, I discovered that once again I had been deceived!
So let me bottom line this for you. If you are in the valley engaged in battle, the deceiver is right there working hard to prevent you from making it through and growing as God would have you to grow. He does not want you to leave! He does not want you to grow! He wants you to get used to and accept the circumstances that you are in. He want you to think of you situation as being normal and acceptable! He wants you to become ill tempered and ineffective as a warrior for Christ. I rebuke that spirit in the name of Jesus right now! Satan has no power here, he has no authority here and if for one minute you believe he does then he has that foothold that he so deparately wants. Don't give in, don't loose faith and don't ever think that God doesn't care. HE WILL BRING YOU THROUGH THE VALLEY. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Praising God And Moving Forward
You know, I was thinking. I am probably the most blessed man on the planet these days for the circle of friends that I have. Without even realizing it, I have those three especially close friends in my life like Jesus who had Peter, James and John (I call them Tom, Sheldon & Jim)! But ALL of you are playing a great roll with all of the prayers and encouragement that you have done for and with me! People have been asking me for a couple of weeks "Doug are you alright"? Well I will answer that for all of you right now. No, I am not alright...........but I will be! God is teaching me some things right now and I must go through this valley! I don't like it, I don't want to do it, but I have to in order to be in God's will! I will survive by the love and grace of God and because of great friends and family like all of you. I am not alone and before our blessed pastor copies and pastes the 23rd Psalm as a comment, I know that "God is with me" and that his "rod and staff comforts me"!
I now have a plan in place, I have my eyes fixed on Jesus and there is nothing on the face of this planet that can prevent me from doing what God has called me to do with my life. Keep on praying, keep on loving but most importantly keep Jesus in your heart! Be blessed beyond belief today.
I Think I Know What I Know?
You know, I was thinking. I have just had a weekend that was well in a word, interesting! Lots of things going on and many opportunities to spend time with existing friends, meet somebody new, drive a couple hundred miles (for various reasons), see the Red Wings lose to Chicago, and had an opportunity to minister and be ministered to. A whirlwind weekend to say the least. Lately I have been in a place that can only be described as a valley. One of the darkest ones that I have traveled trough in some time. Several weeks ago I had shared some stuggles with a small group of friends that really have been there for me. They prayed about my needs and then we all went on. One of these men has constantly been on me and asking "what's wrong"? I have just continued to tell him "its the same stuff that still hasn't been resolved"! Just about every time we would get together it was the same series of questions and answers. We were both getting frustrated until last night. What I thought I had shared several weeks ago didn't even come close to hitting the target. The intent of what I shared and the interpretation of what I shared were two completely different things. We discovered this last evening when we were talking and sharing why we had become so frustrated with one another lately! A huge light bulb went off in my head! I would have sworn that I had been completely forth coming with what was troubling me when in reality, in the midst of the valley that I have been in, I fell short in communicating what was TRULY happening! God has used this to help us grow closer together. After about 20 minutes of each of us trying to bear the brunt of the responsibility for the mis-communication, we realized that all of this has brought us closer together! PRAISE GOD! "He is good and his mercies endure forever!"
Much is going on in my life right now. Most of it is very stressful and troubling. I know that without a doubt that God is in control and that He will see me through it. Although for the life of me I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel! I can still hope, trust and pray that God takes complete control of these situations and my life. I have never asked this before and will probably never ask this again, but I would like everyone to refrain from commenting on this post today. I know how much I am loved and cared for by my brothers and sisters out there in our blogging fellowship. I would ask this of you instead, pray for me today! Take the time that you would normally comment and ask for God that I hear His voice clearly right now. I love and appreciate all of you and like all other valley's that I have gone through in my life, I shall definitely pass through this one praising God and sharing his goodness with all. Remember, the God that is on the mountain top is the same God that is in the valley! He is good, all the time. Be blessed beyond belief today.