You know, I was thinking. There is no doubt in my mind that there is absolute truth in the world today. The law of gravity is an absolute truth. The fact that humans need air to live is an absolute truth. The fact that God loves me unconditionally is an absolute truth. But what I have discovered lately is that in some cases there is absolute truth, and then there is my perception of that truth. For instance I believe that God leads his people by the power of the Holy Spirit, but then I dissagree with the way some will interpret that lead. I question the way that I interpret the leading of the Spirit sometimes, but I do the best I can with what I have and what I know.
I think it comes down to this. We are emotional creatures and we sometime mix a little too much "me" into the picture. For instance, when someone I love does something that I think is a mistake but they believe they are following God's lead. I allow my feelings to determine what I think God is saying. Because I love someone doesn't always mean that I know what is right for them. I have to trust in their ability to follow the leading of the Spirit and allow them to make mistakes (like I have done) if they are wrong. Either way, if there eyes and my eyes are both fixed on Jesus, then things will work out just fine.
So let me bottom line all this mixed up thought today. God is absolute truth! God will lead a willing heart wherever HE wants them to go! We as humans will allow ourselves to get in the way from time to time which can and has put great strains on relationships! I need to love as unconditionally as I can regardless of how others interpret the leading of God's Spirit, and it doesn't matter who is right as long as we are all open! Be blessed beyond belief today.
Overwhelming Power
You know, I was thinking. Yesterday was a day of great anticipation for me. I my way into worship I heard the song "Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord". I had a wonderful time worshipping with the radio on my way to worship service. It was a great experience! When I got into the prayer room I could hear the praise band doing their sound checks and guess what? Yep, same song! Wow, I got excited and started thinking "God, whatcha got in mind this morning"? Well, just before Bible class I shared this with Danny. You know how DB is, he got all excited and asked me to share it with the rest of the praise team when they gathered to pray before worship. Well, I did and then we were off to the races. On of the most exciting services ever! The Holy Spirit overwhelmed me yesterday. There was a time that I couldn't even sing and could barely stay standing. God's presence was strong and mighty yesterday and I was blessed enough to be part of it. So, how you guys doing? Be blessed beyond belief today.
How Come?
You know, I was thinking. Often times I stress about stuff that I need not stress over. I know that I am indeed the only one on the face of the earth that does this (classic sarcasm). There have been a lot of things on my plate lately and I have learned a couple of things. The first one is that I stress over the stupid things. You know like money, transportation, getting ahead at work, work itself and many other things that really don't matter. The things that do not stress me at all are the things that I have dedicated to God. Things like small groups, worship services, teaching, praying, worshipping, etc.... So it would appear that those things that are dedicated to God and serving other people cause me absolutely no stress and those things that I am trying to work out often times do. I wonder if there is a connection here? Well enough said. Busy weekend ahead! I always seem to have my weekend filled up long before it even gets here but I like it. It is usually (like this one) filled up with spending time with other people in fellowship. That is a good thing. I wish God's richest blessings on anyone who reads this today and pray that you will find peace in HIM. Be blessed beyond belief today.
The Right Place, The Right Time
You know, I was thinking. As I was coming into work today the song "I Can Only Imagine" came on the radio. This is one of my favorites by far and hit the radio when I was only about a minute away from work. I had a wonderful time of worship and luckily was able to get the car parked before the Spirit completely took over. For the next few minutes I got caught up in worship and praise and prayer. What a great way for God to bless me this morning. By the way, yesterday's uneasiness is gone. I see that as a blessing as well. It caused me to first of all share with all of you that something wasn't quite right. It also caused me to keep my spiritual radar on high alert! I spent the day listening to K-Love on my desktop and in prayer during my lunch time. What a blessing that God gave me to just be feeling uneasy enough to call on him for answers. What a blessing all of you were who shot up those prayers on my behalf yesterday. I have no idea what God is doing with things right now but I do know this, HE is in complete control. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Feeling Wierd
You know, I was thinking. I got this funny feeling on the way into work today and no it wasn't gas. I have this uneasiness about me and I am not sure why. There have been a lot of battles raging on the past few weeks and I know that I have had my share of those but this doesn't seem like that. I feel like I should be prepared for something and that I am not sure what that something is! Maybe that's the way it should be all the time. You know that idea of being "ready in season and out of season"! But it's not like that this time around.
Through all of this I still am excited! I had a great time of worship and prayer on the way in to work this morning. I even had a chance to speak to #1 before I left the house this morning. He and Christina are very busy down in West Virginia and are planning on traveling back tomorrow evening if everything goes as planned. So, I am not battling, I am not struggling, I am not depressed, I am not weary, I am not doubting..........I'm just uneasy! Pray about this one folks, maybe by the end of the day I will know something but for now just praise God and allow him to do is will. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Friday Feast - An Ode To '70's Rock Groups
You know, I was thinking. The best rock and roll music came out of the 1970's. You know that was the decade when most of you X'ers out there were born. Here's my list of favorites:
#4 -
Journey Foreigner - Best song- Double Vision
#3 - Chicago - Best song - 25 Or 6 To 4
#2 - Styx - Best song - Come Sail Away
#1 - Eagles - Hotel California
What's your favorites? Be blessed beyond belief today.
Good Times

You know, I was thinking. You can't buy true love but you can rent it from a kid for a little fudge! B4T
Whatcha Doin?
You know, I was thinking. God has a funny way of doing things sometimes. There are days that I see the hand of God guiding me and leading me where he wants me to go. But there are times when I feel his presence and know that he's there but I have no idea what he is doing with me at that time. I know that I am in his will. I know that I am doing my best to be obedient. I absolutely trust God and will follow him willingly no matter what. But I find myself more and more asking the question. What are you doing with me Lord? Where are you taking me? And the Lord remains silent and gives me a look that says "trust me"! So, I do! Now, the road God chooses to take me down sometimes in a smoothly paved highway, sometimes it's a rocky dirt road. Sometimes God allows me to set the cruise at 70 mph and just kick back and enjoy the ride. Then there are times God puts me behind a school bus and I have to stop every 50 feet or so. But there is one thing that is certain, I get where I need to go at exactly the right time. For that I am thankful and have a reason to praise him today. What kind of road are you on? Are you in the Father's will? How can you know for sure? Where is God leading you today? Did he make it known to you or did he just give you that look that says "trust me"? Be blessed beyond belief today.
A Person In Christ
You know, I was thinking. If I were to break life down to some of its most simplist thoughts I would come to the conclusion that there are only really two types of people in life. People who are in Christ and people who are in crisis! People who have Jesus as their focal point know how to resolve conflict and can realize the truth of Phillipians 4:13 and Romans 8:28. If we live a life focused on the Father then we learn how to deal with all of life's ups and downs. If we do not have this focus then anything that the world throws at us can send us tumbling endlessly. A bad day, a down turn in the stock market, losing a job, children being sick, losing a loved one or just having a day that you just feel defeated can have a huge impact on those who don't know Jesus. So today's question is simple are you a person in Christ or a person in crisis. Only you can make that decision. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Jesus In The Box
You know, I was thinking. On my way into work this morning I was listening to a wonderful lesson on "What is in your box?". The central point of the message was that we all have this box that we focus on. It becomes what centers our lives. One example the pastor used was that if Sammy Sosa's focus is baseball then baseball is in his box! Some people put their jobs, money, health, spouses, friends, posessions or something else. All of these things will fail us and let us down at some point in our lives. As much as I love Jesus and teach of His love and mercy, I will let people down. I will fail people, not on purpose but just by the simple fact that I am human. so what or who is in your box today. If your focus is on Jesus then all will be well, if it is on anything else be prepared to be let down. One other thing that the pastor said this morning was that the best things in life aren't things! I found that profound this morning. Focus on Jesus today and make him the central part of your life. Be blessed beyond belief today.
The Long And Winding Road
You know, I was thinking. This morning is the start of our annual QS audit. I am sitting here with a couple of projects to catch up on but I am pretty much ready to go. I know we as a company are not! There are a number of things that are way behind and things are just not where they need to be. The funny thing is that we knew it was coming. We did not get this thing sprung on us at the last minute. We have had months to prepare and quite frankly, if we all just did what we were supposed to do then none of us would have anything to prepare. We would just simply go into the audit and present what we have and then move along.
Our Christian walk is the same way. There will come a day that all of us will become accountable for our lives. We have decades to prepare but unlike a scheduled audit we have no idea when that day will come. I think if we did know, we'd just push things off until the very last possible minute and try to cram it all into a day or two. But God has not let that be revealed to us. He wants just to do what we're supposed to be doing to the best of our ability all of the time. Now, we are gonna blow it from time to time but God just picks us up, dusts us off and says try again! He's so good! Be accoutable today. Live a life that is worthy of the sacrifice that was made for it and trust in God's promises! Be blessed beyond belief today.
The "F" Word
You know, I was thinking. Some of the greatest experiences in my life have centered around the "F" word. Now before some of you degenerates go in the wrong direction, I'm talking about fellowship (what else?). Over the weekend I experienced some of the greatest that I have in quite some time. On Friday night I had the pleasure of joining up with the small group that meets at the Nevins home at 7:00 p.m. (not so subtle hint to the readers here). This group could quite possibly compete for the coolest group at NewSong. On Saturday it was Michigan football and then a guys night out. Great dinner and movie! I've got to admit that about half way through the movie the thought occurred to me "I wonder how much of this will appear in Tom's sermon tomorrow"? I'll just say this, our good pastor did not let me down. Then the Sunday morning celebration, and a visit from a couple of cousins in the afternoon was great (Jay and Christina also came over for awhile which made it even better). The Sunday evening it was off to the reigning coolest small group on the planet which meets at Jeff & Heather Bacus' home at 6:00 on Sunday's (another not so subtle hint). We were joined by Pastor Dad & Shirley! It's great when I am not the senior statesman in the group! But, it got me thinking on how absolutely dependent that I am on the love and attention of other Christians. I cannot make it through the week without these things. The best part about it is that tonight is our Prayer Ministry meeting and Wednesday is the Men's small group! I want to have that first century experience of getting together with other Christians daily! I mean it. We need one another! I want to spend time with God's people. Thanks to all of you who complete my life. I love you all. Be blessed beyone belief today.