Friday, July 29, 2005

Friday Feast - An Ode To Catchers

You know, I was thinking. Over the years I have watched a lot of baseball in my life (I do mean a lot) and have always admired catchers. The men who have strapped on "the tools of ignorance" over the years have always impressed me. I became a softball catcher several years ago simply because I was too stinkin fat to play anywhere else on the ballfield. I grew to love playing this position and have continued on whenever I can. Now with the knees shot and the back getting week I don't play too much anymore, but today I give a tribute to those whom I have enjoyed watching squat behind home plate over the years. These four players are not representative of the best over the years but simply my favorite:
#4 - Lance Parrish. This guy is huge! I saw him up close once and I could not imagine anyone that would even try to take him out. He was a member of the 1984 championship team and a great hitter. I remember the big orange outlining on his catcher's mit to make it easier for the pitchers to locate their target.
#3 - Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez. I loved to watch this guy play long before he became a Tiger. When he was with the Ranger's my buddy Shel called him the best catcher the he had ever personally seen play the game. This guys, in his prime, is the total package! He can hit and throw as well as anyone who has ever caught. But, most importantly he is the one after whom I received my nickname.
#2 - Bill Freehan. Great catcher for the Tigers in the sixties and seventies. Bill caught the final out in the 1968 world series in which the Tigers came back from being down 3-1 to win the whole thing. He even threw out the great Lou Brock while trying to steal. Overall Freehan wasn't the greatest catcher that I ever saw but as a boy growing up watching the Tigers he certainly became one of my Favorites.
#1 - Johnny Bench. The greatest catcher to ever play the game. None were better! Bench could throw a perfect strike to second base while still squatting. His right hand was so large that he could hold seven baseballs in it with each of them actually touching his hand. He had a great bat to boot. He was part of the "Big Red Machine" managed by George "Sparky" Anderson and was elected to the Baseball Hall Of Fame in his first year of eligibility. Hands down the best I ever watched play the game.
Who are some of your favorites? Be blessed today.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Larry Brown Syndrome

You know, I was thinking. A couple of years ago when Larry Brown signed with the Detroit Pistons my buddy Shel said to me "I'll give him two years before he breaks your heart"! What Shel was talking about was coach Brown's reputation for not staying put for very long and not completing his contractual obligations. For some reason he and his agent are able to convince teams that he is the man for the job, and to spite the obvious downfalls, he wins a lot of games and draws fans! But that got me to thinking, what is the reputation that goes before I even show up on the scene? We all have a reputation at work, church and with our friends. What are people that we know and love saying about us? Now, this is not necessarily bad. We need to be aware that it is happening and that we need to make sure that our reputation is indeed a good one. We don't want to say one thing and do another. Blessings from God abound in my life and I want people to know that. The first thing I want folks to think about when they think about me is "he follows Jesus". My desire to have that reputation will envoke my actions in that direction. What is your reputation? What are your desires in life? Be blessed today.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Dogmatic Indifference

You know, I was thinking. I am tired of the way that conservative Christians are being treated in the media and by society as a whole. There are actually some places (Ann Arbor) where professing your faith and your conservative view points will bring on debate and ridicule! Well, I have just gotten to the point where I just don't give a rip anymore. I am tired of seeing pro-abortionist, pro-homosexualist, pro-socialists, pro-give away all of our money to people who are completely able to hold down gainful employment and choose not to-ists, and pro-Christian slammingists! I am fed up with people who want to protect their rights to the point of pushing God completely out of the picture! As a Christian I gave up my rights many years ago to follow the teachings of the one true Messiah, Jesus! It is in him that we have everything. So for all of those who think that they are able to wrap God up in a little box and tuck him away somewhere until he is absolutely needed, guess what! He's still here! He is watching and waiting for the right time to reveal Himself to you! He will too! Just wait.
One of my favorite professors in college had a saying that "if every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, then we better be bowing and confessing now before we are FORCED to bow and confess on the day of judgement". I guess what I am trying desparately to say is that I am not going to be quiet about what I believe. When faced with the liberalistic view point that says that Christians are narrow minded people who go to God as a crutch, I hope I can have the faith that Elijah had and prove to folks who God really is! God is good, all the time and He will reveal Himself to people but He often uses us to do his bidding. God use me today! Be blessed today.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Wow! Tuesday Already

You know, I was thinking. I thought it would take a little longer to go from Thursday to Tuesday but it was still only five days. Yes indeed, five glorious days where the biggest decision I had to make was what pair of shorts I wanted to wear. Five days that were filled with family, friends, travel, baseball and of course golf! Five days of no orders to place, no customers to satisfy, no bosses screaming for reports and most importantly no morning commute! Five fantastic, edifying, relaxing and glorious days! Now, here it is Tuesday. I am refreshed, energized, alert and spiritually motivated. I love the Pilgrimage and the time that I take before and after just to relax. I love hanging with da boyz and allowing some of that adolescent humor run wild for a few days. I love the fact that we end every trip with a Sunday morning worship and time for sharing. I love the fact that we barely get part way through Saturday and most of the guys start talking about the fall meetings and next years trip! I love the guys that I fellowship with on these trips and I hope that we will always have these times together.
The one thing I did miss was my bloggin buddies. It was like I left a part of me behind. I have tried to catch up on all of the posts that occurred while I was gone, you guys stayed busy. Just wanted to share a couple of thoughts with you though. Remember that we all need to have a good time and joke around with one another. We need to live, laugh and love like this might just be my last blog article. You never know when the Father is going to call you home! Remember to treat one another like this might be the last opportunity you have to spend time with this person and that we are all really just "a vapor that appears for a short time and then dissappears"! I am not trying to be morbid, just realistic. You see we had the pleasure of getting to know Scott Gray last year. As most of you are aware, Scott is now with the Lord! Scott touched the lives and hearts of all of the Pilgrimage faithful last year and was sorely missed this year. He has left his mark on a lot of folks! Are you? Be blessed today!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

One Serious Moment

You know, I was thinking. I joke around a lot and really do enjoy having a good time with other people. We here in the blog world do get a little crazy at times, like having two Pudgings in one day. But today I want to be a little more serious and hope that you will be also. I have had the distinct pleasure over the years of knowing most of you who visit this blog very pesonally and for that I am thankful. I struggle with ways to tell you guys how much I love all of you and how much you mean to me. I think part of the humor that all of us use is done in an attempt to show love and graditude. I will be taking a short little vacation for the next few days, in fact you will not hear from me in the blog world again until next Tuesday. I am challenged daily by both the wit and sincerity that I read daily in everyone's blog. So, to The gal next door, Dirty Little K9, All Right, HUH?, Artic Adventurer, Why?, Takin a break, Amy's Squeeze, Theological Nurse, Peter's Babe, Waffle Queen, Southern Belle, KKKKKKelly, Woman From Ohio, Here's Johnny and Semper Fi, I wish all of you some great blogging time and the richest blessings that God can bestow upon you. Be kind, loving, witty and funny and I will catch up with you next week. Be blessed today.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I Won't Take Less Then Your Love

You know, I was thinking. There's an old country song titled "I Won't Take Less Then Your Love"! As the song starts it talks about the relationship between a husband and wife. How the husband wants to honor the wife with gifts. When the husband asks what do you want me to bring you, the wife's reply is "I won't take less then your love". The next verse is about the same type of thing between a son and his mother with the same tag line as the answer. The final verse is about the relationship between a man and the Lord, with of course God replying that "I won't take less then your love". You know we often times talk about bringing our gifts to the Lord but God is setting up in heaven with only one need, for us to "Love the Lord your God with all you heart, mind, soul and strength" and to "Love our neighbors as ourselves"! Be blessed today!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Deep Thinking Ala DEP

You know, I was thinking. If all the world's a stage and we are merely the players, then are you currently in a comedy, tragedy, action/adventure, reality show or a cartoon? Be blessed today!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Friday Feast - An Ode To The Women Whom I Love!

You know, I was thinking. I have spoken about a lot of the men in my life who have been such a great help to me over the years. As a single guy who does like to do the guy things in life it seems that those relationships have really been good for me. But, there have been several women over the years who have been just as influential and I would like to pay tribute to four of them today.

The Love Mrs. T. - Sandra Thorpe whose husband is one of my nearest and dearest buddies. She and I did not hit it off well at first but kinda grew into our relationship. I will never forget the day after a Sunday morning worship, Sandy came up to me and you know what Doug I really like you. Sandy has always made me feel welcome in her home and has always been willing to share her husband with me. He and I have traveled the eastern half of the United States together in seach of baseball perfection. She is a great Christian momma and wife and a dear friend and example to me.

Verna Mae - Vera Mae Hawkins the pastor's wife. She has got to be the quietest woman that I personally know. Her love and caring for others is only exceeded by her ability to put up with Tom and his friends (I would be one of those). Vera has been a huge encouragement to me over the years. She has always loved me for who I am, why I'm not quite sure but she always has. When I think about the characteristics that I am looking for in a future Mrs. DEP, many of Vera's traits come to mind. She is warm and kind but don't take no guff. She is quietly strong and a great leader of people. I have often teased Vera and told her that if Tom was to meet Jesus before me that I wanted to be first in line!

Sis - Patti (Ann) Fraley has been my sister for over forty two years now. She has to be the single biggest spiritual infuence in my Christian walk. She and I have had very few disagreements over the years and the few time that we did I would usually see the errors of my ways. Sis has been through a lot in her life and through it all she has remained faithful to Jesus. She and I both come from a very restrictive set of spiritual traditions but have been blessed to experience the true freedom that is in Christ. She is an inspiration to me and I love her dearly!

Momma - Verdie (Mae) Mollette is one of the greatest women that I know. Certainly can be stubborn sometimes but that's only cause she is so strong. She and my dad raised a family in the best manner they knew how. She has always worked hard both inside and outside our home but I never recall her complaining. She has been my teacher in so many areas that I cannot even begin to list them. She has shown the closest thing to unconditional love that I have ever seen from a human being. After 79 years of life she has her share of ailments but she is still plugging away at it. I cannot imagine a life without her being a part of it. Nothing more I can say but, I love you mom and be blessed today.

Who are the women who have influenced your life? Especially you guys out there! Share some of that today and of course be blessed today.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Barn

You know, I was thinking. As a kid growing up we had a lot of chores to do around the house. We always had a few cows, pigs and chickens around just to make life interesting. There were two times every year that I dreaded worse than any test at school. Every Spring and Fall we had to go out and clean out the barn where we kept the chickens. I don't know how many other people have ever had the pleasure of mucking out a chicken coop but let me tell you from first hand experience that it is not a clean experience. My brother and I hated it! Since we always seemed to have chickens we would have to divide the barn into two sections. One side would hold the chickens temporarily while we cleaned the other side. Then the next day (yes this was usually a two day process) we would put down fresh straw on the "cleaned" side and begin the process on the other side. When we'd get about 3/4 of the way done with the second side we would start getting excited because we were almost done, that last 1/4 went so fast! By the time we were done with side two and we would "un-divide" the barn, I realized that the first side was already starting to get dirty again. Well I guess that's just how it is with chickens...........and people!
When we finally turn our lives over to Christ, there's a lot of cleaning that needs to be done. Most of it gets done one section at a time. The Holy Spirit comes in and begins the process. He'll get one section done and move on to the next. By the time the next section gets done the first one is beginning to get dirty again. But, the Holy Spirit is patient. He will continue to work as long as we allow Him to. This process is called santification. It's an ongoing process that we as Christians go through our entire Christian lives. It is a process that doesn't add to our salvation, but changes us into more God-like creatures. It's what teaches us to hope, care, pray, evangelize and love. This work continues in us until we die. It never stops even when WE think WE can't do any more! This is such a wonderful work of the Spirit! It shows me that God never ever will give up on us no matter what (read Rom. 8 here). Be blessed today.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Song Of Life

You know, I was thinking. Music has always been a very important part of my life. It seems that almost every important phase of my life has some song or group of songs associated with it. Whether it be the Motown sound of the sixties, the disco vs. rock battles of the seventies, the mainstream pop of the eighties, or the country music of the nineties there has always been some song or genre that can just take me right back. This morning the song "We've Come To Praise You" keeps going through my head. As I think of this particular song I feel good about what God has been able to accomplish in such a broken and messed up vessel! Only He can take what I have offered and turn it into something good! I love the Lord so deeply and in so many ways that I can't ever seem to express it to Him except in certain times that I have been blessed while praying in the Spirit. On a daily basis I seem to come up short in my ability to express my feelings to God. So, I usually just begin to worship him in song. Whatever song comes to mind at the time. I will just go on and on and on until I reach the point where I can actually begin to express myself (not very adequately still) in words to the Father. I love the time I spend in solo worship to the Father. Then, when we get together in collective worship it just seems that everything is multiplied a hundred times and I truly get caught up. I LOVE TO WORSHIP!
Our lives are singing a song to the people that are around us. What song is your life singing? Are people seeing "Jesus You Are My Life" or are they seeing "I've Got Friends In Low Places"? You set the tone! You have the choice! You must decide whether or not YOU will allow the Father to sing through you today. You must decide whether or not the people around you see God today! All the Father is asking for is a willing heart! Can you give Him that today? Be blessed today.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

It's Long Gone!

You know, I was thinking. I need to divert a little bit from my norm this morning and just share my experience from last night. My good friend and brother in the Lord Mike "Big Mac" Bodman wound up with a couple of extra tickets to last night's Home Run Derby at Comerica Park. It just so happens that my other good friend and fellow Co-Founder Sheldon Thorpe is in Ann Arbor all week for some work related training. So, here is the scene, good friends, base balls flying, italian saugages with onions and peppers, peanuts, records being set in a ballpark that is not known for giving up home runs, and 40,000 other screaming fans. Other than the Mud Puppy's wife reching me on my cell phone and calling me a nasty name which I won't even begin to write in this post, it was nearly a perfect night. Be blessed today.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Just To Follow Up!

You know, I was thinking. Yesterday at church Pastor Tom's sermon was centered on love. Love for God, appropriate love for self and love for others! It is so funny how God's timing works. On the way to church on Sunday morning I had a message given to me by God on exactly the same topic. I do sermon outlines in my head while driving so I pretty much had everything ready to preach by the time I got to Tecumseh. Then, Tom steals some of my best material! It was almost point for point exactly what was going through my head that morning! Funny how God works sometimes. I was so geared up services that I couldn't hardly sit still and then to know that God allowed me to preview the lesson ahead of time really was amazing. By the time we got to ministry time, I was ready to minister! I was pumped up! There is nothing that I could possibly say that could make yesterday's message any more complete than what it already is, but I would like to follow up with a couple of thoughts. First of all there has been a number of comments in our little blogging circle about the existance of God! Now, for a beliver like me to experience what I did yesterday, it is easy to give credit to the Creator! What about those who don't believe? What do they give credit to for such "coincidences"? Pretty much dumb luck? What else could it be if there is not one great powerful being who is in control of the universe! To those who believe I have one tip for you, you can't prove the existance of the creator to those who do not believe there is a creator! They will always explain it away. They will always find another reason for what is happening. It takes faith to believe in God! So, instead of trying to prove God just begin to testify! Tell how much of a difference that God has made in your life! Tell them how God has changed you. You see, people cannot deny YOUR experiences! They cannot deny the changes in your life! Remember, Jesus with all of his miracles and signs could not convince everyone that he was the SON OF GOD. What makes us think we can? We need to try and pray steadfastly but don't put too much pressure on yourself. Be who you are and let the Father shine through! Be blessed today.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Friday Feast - An Ode To Special Friends

You know, I was thinking. I have been blessed in my life with some friends who are just absolutely the best thing that have ever happened to me. I could go on for days talking about these relationships and what they mean to me, but in the tradition of what I started last week I am going to give you my top four (not in any particular order):

Where's Jim - James Yearsin, I believe that he must be a secret agent or something because no one could ever be that oblivious and right on top of things at the same time. He is truly a friend who has been there with me over the last few years. He and I have golfed together, sang together, went to ball games together, anoyed his wife together, prayed together, evangelized together, wept together and laughed together! His tender heart and iron head (you know I love you) make for a unique loving person who's friendship I hope to have forever!

Pastor Tom - Thomas Peter Hawkins II, a man who has put up with me for about 13 years now. Tom and I have always been there for one another. He as been a spirtual leader, a buddy, a swift kicker of my butt, a brother, a protector, a hand up, a work out partner, an encouragement and the only mechanic alive that could have kept the WW1 on the road! Tom has seen me at my worst and my best and has always shown me love no matter what! Be blessed my wingman.

Shel - Sheldon Leon Thorpe, a man who a few years ago became one of my closest friends ever. I never thought that I could get that close to someone and his entire family so quickly. I could begin by telling you of the beginning stages of the Pilgrimage (if you don't know what it is then you really don't need to) to numerous phone conversations that span everthing from current weather conditions, to how the date of Easter Sunday is determined, to the Yankees, Tigers, Lions, Cowboys but most of all U of M football. We are so similar it's scary (ask his wife) and yet we have very different lives. Shel is my buddy, my pal, my packing partner, my fellow sports fan, and my friend. Shel, let me just say Thank You!

Special K - Paul Keyser, the second of my wingmen. Special K and I have know each other for at least the last five years. Quite frankly I am not sure when we met but I do know that we hit it off right away. I take pride it dubbing him "Special K". He and I have shared a lot together through the years and we certainly have had some parallel experiences. He's my freind, my brother, and a man who I respect tremendously. You have been such a blessing to me and I hope that we can grow even closer through the years.

I don't believe life is measured by what you have but who you have in it. I am blessed beyond belief! Who is special in your life? Please share that with me today. Be blessed today.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Finding God

You know, I was thinking. There are a lot of people out there who are searching for truth. They know that they are missing something but they don't know what it is. So they spend much of their life trying to fill a void with all kinds of stuff that just doesn't fill them up. Still others know that they need God in their lives but they seem to have trouble. One of the most irritating expressions that I can hear is that "I am searching for God". The second most is "I have found God"! Like God came up missing or something. Don't get me wrong it is great when people choose to let God lead their lives, but they act like God has been eluding them or has been in hiding. God hasn't moved since the beginning. He has always been in the same place just waiting for us to come to him. He has made is presence abundantly clear and the way to him has always been well marked. We as Christians lead people to God and not God to people. A better expression might be "God has found me"! Who are you leading today? Who do you know that is searching or is trying to fill their void with junk? Whatcha gonna do about it? Be blessed today!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Moving Forward

You know, I was thinking. There is a time in life that you say to yourself "it's time to stop living in the past and to begin moving forward"! I have reached one of those times in my life. God has blessed me tremendously over the years and yet I still allow fear and past experiences to stop me from doing some of the things that I want and need to do. Pastor Tom has used the following acrostic to define fear:
I believe this to be true. So here I go forward with life casting off some of the old chains that I have allowed to bind me through the years. Allowing God to lead me in the right direction and not holding back because I am afraid or uncomfortable. I guess I had to make a decision as to whether to live life or run away from it. Living it sounds pretty good. Be blessed today!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Morning After

You know, I was thinking. Monday July 4th, 2005! Golf, grilling, horse shoes, friends, family, #'s 1, 2, 3, 4 and honarary #5! DJ and Karaoke as well as swimming and a lot of pleasant conversation. Yep, this is about as good as it can get while living on this planet, what more can I say except be blessed today.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Friday Feast - An Ode To Nephews

You know, I was thinking. When I was 2 1/2 years old I became an uncle for the first time. I now have eleven nieces but only four nephews (this does not include any of the great nieces & nephews). Yeah, I have brothers and sisters who have taken the scripture "be fruitful and multiply" as a personal challenge! But it's great being an uncle especially to my nephews! Don't get me wrong, my nieces are great, but it must be a guy thing or something so let me give you an insight as to who these four guys are:
#1: Lowell Jackson Mollette Jr. - The only son and oldest child of my brother Jack. He got this position in my list simply because of birth order and he has been like the little brother that I never really wanted. He is actually closer in age to me than my older sister Sheila (he turns 40 on Aug. 9) and we spent a great deal of time together when we were kids. He and I experienced a lot together in our youth both good an bad. I am very proud of the man that he has become and the brother in the Lord that he is to me. No matter how hard you try, you will always be number one.
#2: Chad Michael Nicks - The only son of my sister sheila. He is part of the generation of kids that actually use the title uncle when they refer to me. He is now 16 and headed to the Marine Corp when he graduates high school. He is hyper and full of energy (yes I envy him). Those of you golfing in the Classic will get to meet him. He's a good kid who is becoming a good man.
#3: Justin Lee Mollette - The only son and youngest child of my brother Jerry. He's two now and as hyper as can be. Anyone at the BBQ Blowout at the compound on monday will get to meet this little bundle of energy. I can't wait for him to grow up enough to mess with.
#4: Jamie Ryan Fraley - The only son of my sister Patti. He acheived the position of number four (Quatro) only because he is the one that I have literally messed with since his birth. Quatro and I have probably spent more time together than me and all of the other nephews combined. He has grown into a good man, father, husband and brother in the Lord to me. I know that I mess with him a lot (and he with me) but my love for him goes deeper than anyone could every imagine. He will remain number four however because that is just the way it has to be.
Hey folks, God then family! Love them all! Be blessed today.