2005 A Retrospective
You know, I was thinking. 2005 has been an interesting, exciting, challenging and heart breaking year. Although it would be impossible to share everything that impacted my life this past year, I would like to share some highlights. Here's a 30 second look as to how 2005 impacted the Pudgeman:
* Quit smoking cigars Jan. 1 - Good thing
* Turned 42, not dead yet - Good thing
* Quit gambling completely for the first time in several years - Good thing
* Stopped teaching group at Sis's house - Not such a good thing
* Started teaching a new small group - Good thing
* Decided to start dating again - Scary thing, but yes a good thing
* Church split - bad thing
* Was a part of NewSong beginning - Good thing
* Started C0-Leading the Men's group - Good thing
* Had a dissagreement with a very good friend - Bad thing
* Work through the dissagreement and strengthened the friendship - Good thing
* Switched from singing to praying - Good thing
* Lost a dear uncle - Bad thing
* Uncle was a dedicated Chritian man - Good thing
* Rode with pastor Bob in an old bus to deliver it - Weird thing, but a great experience
* Still working at Autoform - ?????
* Helped a small group get back on track - Good thing
* Grew closer to people that have been in my life and still had room to make some new friends - Good thing
* Lions not going to the playoffs again - Normal thing
* Michigan had the worst football season that I can remember in a long time - Bad thing
* Pistons almost win another championship - Good thing
* Pistons, Lions and Tigers all fire coaches - You decide!
* #1 & Ole Girl put on Jesus - GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD Thing
* #1 & Ole Girl get married 6 days later - Good thing
* Quatro gets married - Good thing
* Had hernia surgery - Painful thing
* Jason & Becca got married - Good thing
* Golf, BBQ's, family, friends, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews, cousins & others - Good thing
* Thorpe's visit the compound - Good thing
* Went to a family reunion in Kentucky - Still single
* Started blogging - Good thing (from my perspective)
To say that 2005 was an interesting year would be an understatement! Like other years it was filled with laughter & tears, hugs & flared tempers, love & misunderstanding but most of all it was filled with peace. I can't remember a year where I personally have gotten closer to God and God's people. Sure there were a number of challenges, but they were all dealt with and I grew through them. I think the biggest thing throughout the year has been the genuine love that I have received from so many people on so many fronts. My ability to reciprocate that love hasn't always been what I have wanted it to be, but I have done the best that I knew how to do.
My prayer is that 2006 will bring me even closer to God and His people and that I learn to listen a little better, love a little deeper and grow in faith. Be blessed beyond belief today and in the year to come.
What A Great Weekend
You know, I was thinking. I can't remember a weekend when I have had more fun! It really began last Thursday with the Christmas Eve service rehearsal. Then I had the pleasure of joining the Yeasin's and my sister for dinner on Friday night with another rehearsal to follow. Then the services both on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon really meant a lot to me. Not just because of the celebration of the birth of Christ but because of an opportunity to serve. This may seem like such a small thing to most people but to me it was very meaningful. I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't love music. I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't love to sing. It's been several months since I have taken the opportunity to serve in this capacity. Please understand that I have been asked many times but have not taken the opportunity because I have felt the need to be doing other ministries. But never the less, here I was doing something that I love to do. Then it occured to me that there are times that we are "called" to do a ministry (with me that would be prayer) and then there are times that God just allows you to do things just because you personally enjoy it. What a blessing that was to me this weekend. I know that God does these things for us just because He loves us, but I guess I just keep getting clued into to how much God really does love us and how much He does things just because He loves us. How did God bless you this past weekend? Was it with friends and family? How about the precious children all around you? Maybe with a kind word from someone that you either don't know or don't know well! However God blessed you, just remember to take time to say thank you. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Following The Crowd!
You know, I was thinking. When Pilate sentenced Jesus to be crucified he was just giving the people what they wanted. He knew in his heart that Jesus didn't commit any crime and did not deserve to be executed. But because the people were united in their cry to crucify him, he caved in. He knew what was right but did just the opposite because it was the popular decision!
That really makes me stop and think about all of the decisions that I make on a daily basis. There are times that I know what the right thing to do is, yet I choose not to do it. There are also times when I know a decision is wrong, but because of pressures that are on me I choose to go down that road. Our lives are filled with many opportunities to do the right thing, and we sometimes make bad decisions. One thing is for certain though. The decision that Pilate made some 2000 years ago turned into something wonderful. It was an awful, selfish and sinful act that God used to change the course of the world. God can even take my mistakes and turn them into good if I will let him. This doesn't excuse me for doing the wrong things at times, but it does give me hope that because God is in complete control, HE can work great things through all of us..........if we let Him. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Serving To Greatness!
You know, I was thinking. It's funny what we argue and debate about. Last night the Pastor and I were in rare form prodding each other on to deep thought and harassing each other tremendously. This was done all in fun and is just kind of our way of entertaining one another. Funny how things tie together. This morning's Luke reading was chapter 22. One of the points that can easily get lost in this text is the fact that there were several of the disciples arguing over who the greatest among them! Can you imagine being in a room with God in the flesh arguing about who the greatest one among you is? It is so ironic and yet so typical amoung us humans.
Jesus basically gave us a great paradox: THE GREATEST IS THE LEAST AND THE LEAST IS THE GREATEST! To be great means to serve! To be first means to put yourself last! The best thing about this was that Jesus didn't just teach this, He lived it! He gave up everything for us and pulls no punches about what we are going to do. There is a song out named "Love Like Crazy" by Chris Rice. The essence of this song is this great paradox. He taught us to love the same way that he does and then he died for us! Loving and serving to the point of death, now that some tough medicine to take. But, if we live "eternally minded" and focus what is to come, we realize that our exsistance on this planet is only meant to take us to where our spirit longs to go. That is, with God! Be blessed beyond belief today.
The End Times!
You know, I was thinking. Many scholars have debated over the years about exactly what will happen in the "end times". What I mean by that is the second coming of our Lord. There are many things written in scriptures about what the signs will be to herald in the second advent, but people keep wanting to interpret them differently. Will there be a rapture followed by a 1000 year reign of Christ on earth? Will we all be taken up at once for judgement? Maybe something totally different? One thing is for sure though, there will be a second coming.
One thing that all people of faith will agree on is that we will either die or will be taken up in the second coming. Nobody will get out of this thing without answering to God for what kind of life that they have lived. Did we accept Jesus and live a life devoted to him, or did we not? Did we love people as God has loved us or did we not? Jesus warned his disciples about all of the things that they would have to endure because of Him, and He promised them that they would not parish. Not that they wouldn't die but wouldn't parish! Home with Him forever, great idea! I don't know what is to come in the end of this age, all I know is that I am going to live a life that is devoted to Jesus to the best of my ability. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Just A Question
You know, I was thinking. Really short question today. Who or what is the cornerstone of your life? Be blessed beyond belief today.
A Triumphal Entry!
You know, I was thinking. As I was reading Luke 19 this morning a thought occured to me (no I didn't fall down in pain and agony). If you didn't know the rest of the story it would appear that the story of the triumphal entry into Jerusalem would have been the time when all those living there would have come to follow Jesus. Then I got to thinking that maybe this is how Jesus will enter into the lives of some people and be made king of their lives............................for awhile! I think that there are some people who have this incredible conversion experience (a triumphal entry). Then sometime later on down the road they are yelling "CRUICIFY HIM"!
Jesus did not come to Jerusalem to be king for a day, a week, a month or even a year. He came to Jerusalem to establish an eternal kingdom. One that will never be defeated! Each and everyone of us are guilty of the cross, but Jesus blood continually forgives ALL transgressions to those who choose Him! Don't just have a conversion experience with your life, have a life experience with your conversion. Be blessed beyond belief today.
To Whom Much Is Given....
You know, I was thinking. God blesses each and every one of us so richly that we can't even begin to realize how blessed we truly are. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus is one that really should make us stop and think about what we are doing with what God has blessed us with. I am not talking about giving money to an organization who will help someone that is absolutely unknown to us (although this is a great way to minister to people). I am talking about people that we know who are doing without. I am not talking about people who are surviving but don't have as many toys as they would like. But I am talking about people who are cold, hungry, homeless, jobless, sick or maybe despite their best efforts are poor. Do you know people like this? What are YOU doing to help? It is easy to write a check or give a credit card number to an organization to help people, but what are you doing? Maybe you don't have the means all by yourself to bless another family with what they need, but when we all band together and pool our resources we can really make a difference.
Jesus is clear that to whom much is given much will be expected. I believe that when we meet those expectations we are given more and then even more is expected. You see the great circle of love that this would generate. Go out and be a blessing to somebody today and as always you be blessed beyond belief today.
You Are Precious To God!
You know, I was thinking. There are days that I personally question my own value here on this big blue marble that we live on. There are days that I truly wonder if my existance even matter and whether or not I can even begin to make a difference. I call those types of days my little pitty party days. Thank you Lord that my value to you is not based on my own self image! Thank you Lord that despite my "feelings" on any given day, you still see me the same way 24/7............................I am precious to you! Even more than that all those who God has created, are precious to Him! Did you know that God has gone out of His way, above and beyond the call of duty, has caused Himself great pain and suffering just to make a way for Him to be with us? That is AWSOME! God has such a desire to love on us that He has sacrificed the best that He has for us to be able to approach Him! He has torn down the walls of sin that separate us from Him and is running toward us as we approach Him!
Don't let your own views or others views of you skew your perception of how God loves you. We are precious to God! He loves us unconditionally and will do everything He can to bring us to Him. Go out and be loved today. Be blessed beyond belief today!
Thou Shalt Hate Thy Father & Mother?
You know, I was thinking. Today I read Luke 14. This is one chapter that might be a little difficult to put into practice. One of the costs of following Jesus is to "hate your father and mother yes even your own life". What is our Saviour saying? Jesus gave us a Gospel of love, grace and mercy! Why is He now telling us we have to hate? Well, here is the gospel according to Pudge. Our love for Jesus will often times put us in situations where we will have to make a choice. Especially back in the first century being a disciple could potentially cost you your life or those you love their lives. There may even be times when a parent or a loved one chooses not to follow the Saviour and we must go on and be obedient no matter what the cost. You see following Jesus and showing love to Him will (should) supersede our love for anyone else. So in comparison to our love for Jesus, it appears that we must not love (hate) others around us. But then the flip side of this is that we MUST show love and compassion for all of those who Jesus loves! Wow, this can get confusing!
Bottom line - Don't water down or compromise the Gospel of Jesus for any reason! Count the cost of being a desciple and realize that you and I MUST GIVE UP EVERYTHING (including relationships) in order to follow the Saviour! In return Jesus will bless us 100 times what we have given up! Those are spiritual blessings and not American dollars! No matter what God keeps his promises! You are to be blessed beyond belief today!
Will It Be Today
You know, I was thinking. Jesus teaches that there is a day coming when it will be too late to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Is that day today? Jesus teaches that there is a day coming when those who denied him will certainly be denied. Is that day today? Jesus teaches that he is going to come back again. Ist that day today? Jesus teaches that we need to repent and sell what we have and give to those who have not. Is that day today? Jesus teaches us not to worry about what we shall eat or drink or wear. Is that day today? There is a day coming when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord! Is that day today?
Do these thoughts scare you or excite you? Do these thoughts encourage you or do they make you stop and think about where your relationship is with Jesus? Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Will it be a day devoted to service or devoted to expecting service? Why am I asking so many questions? Because Jesus did! Be blessed beyond belief today.
The Prayer Of Adam
You know, I was thinking. I need to divert today from my thoughts from the book of Luke because of something that happened yesterday. At church yesterday I asked Jay if he wanted to go to the hospital later on that day to visit Don. Jay, Christina and Adam all three came over to the house for dinner and all three went up to see Don with me. We sat there and visited Don for awhile, shared communion with him and really had a good time. After about a half hour we were getting ready to leave and I looked at Adam and said to him: "every time I come up to see Mr. Don I always pray with him before I leave, would you like to pray today?" Adam said "sure"! He then began to pray one of the most beautiful and heartfelt prayer. I immediately thought of the scripture where Jesus teaches that we are to become like little children. I was nearly brought to tears by this little eight year old's prayer. Kids have a way of communicating with God that is so honest and innocent. Let me bottom line this for you. When I grow up I want to pray just like Adam! Be blessed beyond belief today.
Denying Self And Following Christ
You know, I was thinking. In Luke 9 the writer has Jesus talking alot about self denial. We must put our desire aside to follow Jesus but what does this really mean. I believe it boils down to this simple acrostic:
J - esus
O - thers
Y - ourself
When we find ourselves in a situation that we must make a decision about what to do I believe we need to ask: "What action would best serve Jesus"? Then we can ask: "What action would best serve those who are around me"? Then we can ask: "What do I need"? Jesus never told us to ignore ourselves, He said to deny ourselves. He didn't command us to purposely inflict pain in our lives, but if there is pain because of the cause of Christ or in serving the needs of others then that is part of the cost. Some even confuse self denial with ignoring my needs. Jesus cares about ALL of our needs and even most of our wants, but WE need to put those things in proper perspective of the big picture which is furthering the Kingdom Of Heaven!
I do not write this because I have great strength in this area but I am convicted over my weakness! I do not do a good job with this but through the Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit I can strive to become the man God wants me to be. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Where Is Your Seed Growing?
You know, I was thinking. In the parable of the sower and the seed, Jesus describes four distinctly different areas where the seeds would go. The path, where the birds would eat it up. The rocks, where it would begin to grow and to die. The thorns, where the seed would get choked out. Then finally the fertile ground where the seed would flourish and multiply. Each and every one of us has had a seed planted in our hearts. Our hearts are one of four different growing conditions. Where is your seed growing? Be blessed beyond belief today.
To See A Miracle
You know, I was thinking. While Jesus was on this earth he spent a lot of time doing miracles and teaching. Many people witnessed thos miracles and were convicted. They believed that He was truly the Son of God! I have often wondered what it would be like to see that kind of thing today. I KNOW that God has the power to perform miracles today and he does use earthly vessels to exercise his will. Now speaking from a very personal point of view I have to say that I haven't seen a miracle like those that I have read about in Luke 7. I believe that God is very open and willing to do these things but I haven't seen the blind restored, the deaf ears opened, the lame walk or the dead raised. Because of that I must admit that I have asked God why these miracles don't take place today. I haven't received a direct answer yet but I did get a little insight this morning. Jesus, who was God in the flesh, did miracles very publically and openly. When all was said and done, those who witnessed these miracles were probably in the crowd on the day they yelled "Crucify Him..." Then it dawned on me. Miracles don't bring people to repentance, love does! Miracles test and prove out those things of God, but only love (the love of Jesus) can save a soul. Now, I am still going to be looking for God's hand in the live of people today and I will still pray that God will do miracles like he did when He walked this earth. But I pray even harder that the love of God will work in me and through me in order that people might come to repentance and get to know HIM! Be blessed beyond belief today.
Loving The Unloveable!
You know, I was thinking. It is really easy to show love to someone who returns it. It is easy to be kind to someone who is a kind person. It is easy to respect someone who shows respect. But how do you treat those who are unloving, unkind and disrespectful? How do we interact with people who are rude and mean? How do we keep from wishing harm on those who have hurt us deeply? Jesus has some of the toughest instructions in Luke chapter six when he tells us to love everyone. You see Jesus wants us to become like him. This means we have to love to the point of death if that's what it takes. Jesus showed unconditional love to everyone he encountered. He is God in the flesh and still lives among us today! We are his representatives on earth and when people see us they should see Jesus.
Where is your love level at today? Not just showing love to those who return it to you, but showing it to those who either cannot or will not! I'll be honest, I haven't done a very good job in this area. But thank you Lord that you have revealed yet another lesson to me today and I still have an opportunity to grow because of YOUR grace. Be blessed beyone belief today.
What Are You Being Called To Do?
You know, I was thinking. When Jesus called Peter he used a miracle to get his attention! Peter recognized immediately that Jesus had great power. Peter also did not hesitate to drop everything that he was doing in his life to follow the savior! Jesus provided for Peter that day and made him a promise that he would be able to start catching men instead of fish.
The decision that Peter made that day would evetually cost Peter his life. In time Peter would suffer greatly and yet through it all Peter was a willing servant. Jesus is calling us to put our lives on the line for Him today. We may not every be slain because of our faith but we are being called to step out of the world and be different. We are being called to give up everything we have for the cause of Christ. Some may be called to give up their livelyhood, while others will need to put aside friends and loved ones, but most of us are being called to put aside our pride and selfish ambitions for the Savior. Is the price too high? Only you can make that decision! But believe me when I say that the return on your investment is out of this world. Be blessed beyond belief today.
So, How Would You Feel?
You know, I was thinking. Imagine sitting in a room full of people who have been Christians for many years. All of you are engaged in great conversations about the deepest thoughts in scripture when all of a sudden a twelve year old enters the room. He sits quietly in the corner listening intently on the words that are being said. A woman who is participating in the discussion turns to the young boy and says "son, what do you think"? The thoughts and insights amaze everyone in the room. The boy begins talking about those things of God that only a mature Christian could understand. He baffles those around him as to how much knowledge, insight and wisdom he has about the things of God!
If you can imagine this scene then you can begin to put yourself in the shoes of those elders in the temple some 2000 years ago. That's when a young boy named Jesus first walked into their lives. I'm sure there were some in the room who wanted to dismiss the words of the savior but Luke tells us that they were "amazed" by his questions.
There are those today that still want to dismiss Jesus in their lives. While yet others are amazed by what he is able to do still today. Where are you at with this thought. How do you view your savior today? As always be blessed beyond belief today.
Looking For Something To Read?
You know, I was thinking. On my way into work this morning I was listening to my favorite radio station. They were discussing how there were 24 days left until Christmas Eve and that the book of Luke is 24 chapters long. They were talking about how this book will take you all the way through the life of Jesus between now and Christmas Eve. I thought cool, I'm gonna do that! So for the next several posts you will be reading about certain excerpts from the book of Luke along with my thoughts. If you are looking for a particular personal Bible study right now then join me in this. You will be blessed beyond belief today!