I Shall Not Be Moved!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know, I was thinking. My hat's off to the Blogfather (aka Mudpuppy, LBOM, Russ) for his Pidepiper move to wordpress! Yes he has a devoted following over to the dark side, but I for one will not be moved! Now, before anyone says anything understand this. I have a blog that I like. It happens to be on blogspot. I don't have any problems writing what I want to write and saying what I want to say. I have an established archive that anyone who wants to dig up a previous nugget of Pudge wisdom can do it easily. Nobody has to change a link in order to accommodate my desire to change anything. Those of you who have a link on my blog, you choose to leave and have properly notified the Pudgeman will have their links updated accordingly. I will not do anything to try to prevent this mass exodus! But, rest assured that the Pudgeman will be here as long as blogspot is up and running. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
On another thought, I love the Mudpuppy! I gave him a pretty rough way to go yesterday and because of it he had more comments in one day then in the last week combined! He is my little brother and I had a little fun at his expense. But c'mon Russ.........shopping! You opened yourself up big time! But, everyone be blessed beyond belief today.
Jesus Take The Wheel?
You know, I was thinking. Carrie Underwood has put out a wonderful song that has now hit the big time by becoming the title of a DEP blog! The idea in this piece of literary genius is that there are times that things are so out of control that you have no choice but to turn them over to Jesus! I agree with the idea that when we are out of control that our first inclination is something to the effect "Lord, I can't do it anymore so please take over"! The question that the song doesn't answer is "why was I driving in the first place"? For some stupid reason, we (I) have the tendency to want to take charge of our (my) own life. As if by some miracle, I have been given enough insight to do this properly. I spent about 12 years on and off driving trucks. I know what it is like to have control of a large vehicle in some very bad situations. I have always felt more securr as a driver than I have as a passenger. Even when I had a great deal of trust in another persons ability to operate whatever vehicle in which I was traveling. It is human nature to want to have control!
So why don't we (I) learn to give up control and allow God take over our lives. I believe that in most cases that IS my personal motivation. It is really what I want to do. I want a life that is controled by the creator of the universe. I can say with all honesty that I trust Him completely and I know that He has the ability to lead me in the direction that I need to go. My personal problem is that I don't always have enough patience to LISTEN! I tend to spend more time talking to God making sure that He completely understands my situation and has all the necessary data gathered in order to make an informed decision on how my life should go! You know, that looks even dumber typed out than it sounded in my head! That is some of the most illogical logic that I have ever tried to convice myself is true. I have found that my sharing my thoughts in this manner to God serves more as a way for me to sort through my feelings instead of seeking the Father's guidance. God is gracious and allows me to do this (often) and still has the patience to lead me "beside the still waters"! I absolutely need to listen more, trust more, discern more and love more! Fortunately for me, God is able to work with what I give him and turns it into something very good. Jesus, don't just take the wheel in my life, but keep it! Be blessed beyond belief today.
Are We Almost There
You know, I was thinking. This past Sunday I was in the car going to Adrian for small group. My niece Tricia and her daughter Cora were riding with me. Now, it's about a 40 minute drive from Milan to Adrian and mostly back roads. We couldn't have been more than ten minutes into the drive and had not even made it to Dundee when from the back seat I hear the sweet sounds of a four year old asking "are we almost there"? Now I know that every parent, grand parent, uncle, aunt, and GREAT UNCLE have heard this many times in their lives. A child who is anticipating getting to a place where they are going to see friends and have fun just can't wait to get to the destination. As with most children this was not the only time I heard this question on our way to Adrian. If you sprinkle in a couple "the light's green now", "I want my mommy" (she was sitting right there) and "how much longer" you could say that the drive never lacked for conversation. But a child's curiosity and anticipation far out weigh any kind of logical or accurate answer.
I don't know about you, but I have a tendency to do the same thing with God. I am anticipating His working in my life! I want things to happen right now and I sometimes forget that we have to do a little "driving" before I can get to my destination! I sometimes like to let God know that the light is green now and I have to admit that I often want to know how much longer the trip is going to take. But God in his infinite wisdom just gently reminds me "we'll get there soon"! He is in complete control. Like Cora, I am strapped in back in my car seat just riding it out. That is if I remain obedient! Could you imagine a four year old climbing over the seat, pushing me out of the car and taking matters into her own hands? Yet, how many times have I tried to do that to God? How many times am I tired of taking the back roads and want to go in the fast lane and travel breakneck speeds? Too many to count!
I found out a couple of things this past week. God really does take and keep control over ALL things. He allows us to go through some growing pains just because He loves us enough to let us grow a little more. He is big enough to deal with us! He can handle our impatience, frustrations, anger, hurt, rejection and yes even our over reactions to situations. He is truly a God who is loving and kind. I don't always understand His ways, but I am learning to trust them. Be blessed beyond belief today.
And Away We Go!
You know, I was thinking. Well, God has brought me through a week filled with many ups and downs. As always, perspective was brought and hopefully a little wisdom was gained! I have found that I am a person in transition right now. That is not an easy place for me to personally be! God is allowing me to go through a number of changes in my life right now, all of them appear to be good. But I have found over the years that there is rarely growth without some pain involved! I have been forced to deal with some deep inner issues over this past week. Most of them were things that should have been dealt with years ago, but for one reason or another I chose to surpress them and pretend that they weren't there. Funny thing about doing such a thing is that when you try to move forward with your life, it's like the parking brake is on. You want to proceed forward but no matter how much effort you put into it, you just sit there, engine revving, going nowhere fast. Old wounds heal very slowly but have to be treated in order to heal! I can't pretend them away any longer, I must face some fears head on in order to move on! God wanted me to do this years ago but I wouldn't. It was easier to pretend that I just didn't feel then it was to deal with the feelings.
So where does that leave me now? BLESSED! Blessed beyond belief! I am not through with this process by any means, but I am proceeding forward seeking out God and all of his goodness to do what needs to be done. Yesterday's sermon spoke to my heart! Allowing God to heal what He has been wanting to heal for years. Giving myself permission to feel the things that I want to feel! Making the most of the life that God has blessed me with so that maybe somebody else won't have to experience the same kind of pain that I have! God is always good, all of the time. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Keeping Perspective

You know, I was thinking. This picture was taken in December of 2001. Although it's not a good picture because I had to scan it in, it is indeed me. Here I was a stealthy 451#! I have had a hard time lately keeping my perspective on the important things in life. My God, my Family, my Friends and my Health are the most important things to me. This is where my focus needs to be. I haven't been able to maintain focus for the past few weeks for a number of reasons. Most of which have been centered around my own confusion and pessimistic attitude. I have praised, cried out to, yelled at and humbled myself before God! He is definately big enough to handle the Pudge on his worst days! He is always in control and will never for any reason let me down! He is the rock of my salvation and the cornerstone of my faith. I have indeed been in a dark place lately that has required much prayer, fasting and of course the support of some great friends! God always provides. There are days that the highs are followed closely by the lows. Some days, I am just ready to give up. But God has strengthened me to this point and given me endurance! I don't know his plan, but I do know his promises. "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well".

Here I am two years ago (little more gray now, but pretty much the same) at a much healthier 250#. I know that God has changed me from the inside out. My struggles do not revolve around those things that are seen on the outside but the standards that I set for myself on the inside. God has changed me. My standards are higher now than they have ever been. I will often be more self critical and self analytical because of where God has brought me from. He has made me a better man not because I deserve it, but because of His grace and His mercy in my life. The only thing good that is in me is what God has put there. I am forever grateful to Him for the strength He has given me. Please go out and be blessed beyond belief today.
My Passion
When I am on the mountain top and can hear your voice clearly, I will praise You oh Lord
When life is warm and wonderful and my cubboards are full of food, I will praise You
When I have plenty and there is money in the bank to spare, I will praise You oh Lord
When all of the bills are paid on time and I am wanting for nothing, I will praise You
When I have friends who love me and are near to me, I will praise You oh Lord
When I can lift another man's burden and lighten his load, I will praise You
When I walk alone in the desert and the sand burns under my feet, I will praise You oh Lord
When darkness surrounds me and the walls start closing in, still I will praise You
When I don't know when the next meal will come and my pantry is bare, I wll praise You oh Lord
When all of my efforts become in vain and my finances are in ruin, I will praise You
If my enemies surround me and because of their battle cries I can't hear Your voice, I will praise You oh Lord
When I feel like I don't even know how to find you, I will praise you
I will praise you in the calm
And I will praise you in the waves
I will parise you in the valley
I will praise you all my days
You are mighty and glorious
There is no place else to grow
I will always remember your answers Lord
Whether they are YES, NO or GROW
Be blessed beyond belief today!
Being A Little Less Vague
You know, I was thinking. I know that over the past couple of months I have been a little vague about some things that are quite personal to me. God has brought me through a great deal of personal healing over this past year. You see, for those of you who don't know, I went through a divorce almost 13 years ago. This was a very difficult time of my life that I didn't deal with very well. I never allowed God in the center of the healing process until this past year. There are usually two ways that people will react to an emotional trauma like this. One is to go and bounce from one relationship to another trying to heal the emptiness and hearthache that comes from divorce. The other is to run screaming in the night from anything that even smells like a romantic type of relationship! This is the road that I chose! I wasn't going to allow myself to get caught up in something that could hurt me like that again. Now, after much prayer and healing I made the decision about a year ago that it was alright to begin the dating process again. There was only one problem.............................HOW? At that time I was a 42 year old single man who had not been on anything that even resembled a date in over 20 years. I knew that whoever I went out with had to be a Christian and had to be someone who I could talk with. Where do you meet these kinds of women, how do you even approach someone? I was clueless. I had shared much of these thoughts and fears with a couple of my small groups. Back in the beginning of Janyary my Sunday night group specifically prayed for me about finding the dating opportunities I was looking to find! Well, at the end of that month I signed up on one of those online dating sites and began the process. Now, let me fast forward. I have had the opportunity to learn about people and find out quite a bit about them before I even have to write a single word to them. The process might not be perfect but it has worked for me. A very non-treatening process that helps people move at their own pace (mine is of course slow).
Long story short (too late), I have met someone who has my attention. Some of you were blessed enough to meet her yesterday. She sometimes reads this blog so I am very careful about not wanting to embarrass her. But we have been out a few times, we email quite a bit and we talk a lot! We are both focused on God and what He is wanting for the both of us individually and together. I describe where we are at as date and wait. Those of you who have met her can see Jesus shining through her and we are both pretty happy with where things are at right now and will leave the future in God's hands.
I say all of that to say this. Emotional pain is one of the toughest things to work through. It can literally stop you from receiving the blessings that God has for you if you let it. That's the thing, this type of trauma can only last as long as you allow it to last. I made a choice to let it stop me for nearly 13 years from finding any kind of happiness in my personal life. God can take and heal any kind of pain that you have. Allow Him to come in and take it away. Be blessed beyond belief today.
To Boldly Go...
You know, I was thinking. I am a tremendous fan of all of the Star Trek series' that have ever been aired on TV. There is not an episode of the original series that I haven't seen. I have also enjoyed Star Trek The Next Generation, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, Star Trek Voyager and Star Trek Enterprise. I have also enjoyed all 10 feature motion pictures (yes I can name them all, but because I want to try to keep your attention so I'll refrain). In the truest sense of the word I am a fan of Star Trek. I am NOT however a Trekkie, Treker nor do I own a pair of Vulcan ears! I have never been to a convention and I do not own a toy phaser. I do have an original series watch that was given to me as a Christmas present a few years ago (unopened and still in it's original pagaging cause you never know). I have always enjoyed the fantacy world of space travel. But it is just that, a fantacy! Kinda fun to get caught up in for a short time and take break. But what is really the final frontier?
I believe that the final frontier can be different for all of us. What is that thing that you need to explore and conquer in your life? What is it that you need to do to become closer to the Father? What "aliens" have you needed to battle lately? I often find myself on either the brink of failure or victory. It seems like life will bring us to extremes sometimes. The decisions that I make aren't always right but I do the best I can with what I know! God has a way of taking our worst decisions and making them into something that He can work with. In fact the greatest victories that I have experienced in my life are those that God has snatched from the jaws of defeat!
So why am I sharing all of this today? Well, let's just say that God has led me into conquering one of those final frontiers of my life. I am not sure where He is taking me, but I am willing to trust and listen to what He wants me to do. Sometimes I think space exploration would be less frightening for the Pudgeman! I am convinced that even if I don't get what I desire right now, I will get the best that God has in store for me and He will make my path clear. My advice about conquering any final frontier is a simplistic plan. First of all pray about the final frontier that you personally need to conquer, then read Romans Chapter 8. Repeat this process three times a day and listen! Listen to what? Listen to God! He will stretch you and lead you in ways that you can't even imagine possible. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Just Some Thoughts Today
You know, I was thinking. There comes a time in each person's life when they really realize how much God loves them. I have shared the following on a number of ocassions to many different people. I am just feeling the need to share it again.
Several years ago I was going through a stage in my life where I wasn't very positive about anything. I didn't like the person that I was and was very unhappy. I couldn't even understand how God could love me. It didn't make sense to me. I had no problem understanding how God loved everyone else, but why me. I knew all of the bad things that I had done in my life. I knew how selfish and prideful I was. How could God love me? Why did he care? I could not understand it. It was important for me to understand this great mystery. For many months I just kind of kept on doing the things that I knew God wanted me to do but I still had no answer to this burning question...GOD WHY DO YOU LOVE ME? I just didn't understand it! One morning I was in the shower praying (funny place to be praying I know but hang with me here). I was once again asking God to explain His love for me. God came to me in a way that I have never experienced before. I actually believe that He spoke directly to me that morning. He said, "what makes you think that you need to understand My love, I just want you to accept it"! That was a turning point for me! I finally got the answer to the question that I had been asking! There is no way my feable human brain could possible understand such wonderful magnificent love. God only wanted me to allow Him to love on me! So I began living my life knowing that I was loved.
Remeber, "God so love the world that He gave His one and only son"! Take the love of the Father with you today and of course be blessed beyond belief.
Thinking Globally On A Friday
You know, I was thinking. We have been studying the book of 1 Corinthians in our Sunday night group. When we went through chapter 12 (the part that talks about the body of Christ) I believe God gave me a new way of looking at this verse. You see every person that I have ever heard talk about this section of scripture has always applied it to a local congregation. That is absolutely how Paul intended for the church in Corinth to view it also. But I think there is a global application here. Can we apply this scripture across the board? Can we say that if Jesus is the head of the body and we are the various body parts that each and every church that professes Jesus as Lord and Savior has a different function in that body. Maybe the Methodists are a hand, the Presbyterians would be an eye, the churches of Christ an eye, the Pentecostals an arm, the Catholics a leg, the independent community churches a foot and so on? I think we serve a God who likes the big picture as much as He likes the microscopic. Jesus is the head of this absolutely enormous body.
Now, imagine this body functioning like a body. All of us working together and laboring in the Kingdom! Imagine a world where we could refer to ever person that professes Jesus as a brother or sister in the Lord. Imagine the kind of unity that we would have and what kind of impact that we would have on the world! Is it only something that could be imagined or is it something that can be realized? Is this some kind of utopian dream I have, or is this a reality that can be made to happen? I leave you with some of Paul’s opening thoughts from 1 Corinthians 1:10:
“I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought”. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Regaining Trust
You know, I was thinking. What a blessing it was to be at men's group last night. It is funny how God works within all of us and how He uses other people and circumstance to get his message into this thick skull of mine. I guess you could say that I have had a life of learning things the hard way. Whenever I think that "yes I have things together", then wham, here comes another area of my life that needs to be addressed. Lately, I have discovered that I still have issues with trust. I thought that I was living a life of faith that is dedicated to God, but in our lesson last night, one of the questions read: "Would the people close to you affirm that your life gives evidence of an unwavering belief that God will do what He said?" The word that got me in this question was the word "unwavering". Those people who are really close to me and know me well understand that I have wavered in my trust in God! I don't mean to, it just seems to happen. Intellectually I can easily accept the truth that God is in control and that He will always keep his promises! I have no doubt that the word of God is true and will never let me down. The problem arises when I go to put this into practice. Maybe this might sound familiar to you, you're going along dealing with life when all of a sudden something unexpected comes up! The enemy thows you a big swooping curve ball that you didn't expect. How do you react? I must confess, there are times that I don't react the way God would want me to react and I will always regret it when that happens.
Now, don't think I am sharing this with you because I am looking for sympathy or attention because I am not. I have been working on this relationship of mine with the Lord for almost 28 years now and I still have struggles. Struggles with pride and trust are the big two for me. The solution is easy, share it in men's group and write a blog about it.......................................as a start! I have found that sharing our struggles not only has a strong psychological impact on us, but a spritual one as well. I connect to music and must whole heartedly thank the Mud Puppy for a CD he gave me last night. After group, I popped it in the car and listened to it on the way home last night. I didn't finish it until this morning. The second song that played this morning was Psalm 40 by Newsong! The Spirit rushed over me and I began to cry right there on northbound US 23. God ALWAYS is in control! God ALWAYS keeps His promises! God ALWAYS love me beyond anything that I can understand. May God blessed you beyond belief today.
Entering Into His Presence
You know, I was thinking. Back during the time of the Law, the high priest would have to go through an extensive cleansing ceremony before entering into the Holy of Holies where the presence of God resided. It was a very intense process that HAD to be done or else the High Priest could be struck down by God. We now live in a time of grace and not law! God has made himself available 24/7 to us and we can enter his presence any time. He allows us to experience him through the indwelling Spirit and because of that, God's presence is always with us, but what I am talking about going to God in worship and in prayer. Do you prepare youself before you worship God? Do you prepare yourself before you pray? Understand, I am the master of the quick shot prayer and you can find me worshipping in song in a number of situations. But there are times that I go through this thing where I really want and need to enter the presence of the God of creation! There are times that I just want some quality time with my Father! When those times come then I prepare! I want to make sure that I have done what I know to do in order to enter his presence to either give praise or petition! What do I do? Well here a some of the things that I do for preparation:
1. Reflection - I look at what has been going on in my life whether good or bad (from my human perspective) and I think about where my life is at now and where I have just come from. I make sure that I understand that I am just a child in God's presence but I am loved dearly by Him.
2. Repentance - I take time to look at those things that are keeping me from God. The sin that is in my life. This is something that isn't easy to do, but absolutely essential. God wants us to turn from sin and turn to Him.
3. Regonition - When I open the gates to enter into his presence I always recognize God as.......God! I don't me give lip service, but truly honor him as Father, Creator and King! He deserves more honor than we can ever give Him.
4. Resounding Praise - When I have done the first three things I will either read or quote a Psalm or I will break out in a song of praise. I want to bring him glory and honor and allow that to preceed my arrival into his presence.
5. Relax - When you enter into God's presence and you feel him surrounding you, relax and enjoy it. Don't spend too much time talking! Spend some time listening and enjoying the time with the Father! He desires this time as much as you do.
Remember you can approach God at anytime and in any set of circumstances but desire to spend some time in his presence today. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Friday Feast - An Ode To Hope
You know, I was thinking. This has been a very emotional week for the Pudgeman! Some great things going on in my life and some real challenges that came in at the same time. Whenever I have made some of the big decisions in my life I have always found a great challenge around the corner. I truly believe that God is guiding me in all aspects of my life and that as I am obedient to Him, the enemy will attack. So, I said to myself Pudge, what are the top five things that give you hope. Not those intangible things that you can't see or touch, but those tangible, real items that make you say "yes God I love you"! So here they are, the top five reasons I have hope in this world:
#5 - The Word of God. Yes folks the Bible. This handy dandy little leather bound gem is the lifeblood of the Pudgeman. I love to read it, study it, and meditate on it. From this I can get a clearer understanding of what God is looking for in my life.
#4 - Praise & Worship Music. I am slowly but stedily building a colletion of CD's that will rival the Mud Puppy. Music has a way of speaking to the inner core of my soul. It doesn't just spark a feeling or pull an emotional string, it goes much deeper than that. It food to my soul that just satisfies completely.
#3 - Blogging! Oh yeah baby! Sharing my thoughts and feelings to the entire world give me a sense of being alive. I know that there is a circle of close friends that read this stuff on a regular basis (you guys need serious psychological help), but you never know who else is going to read it. God has touched my life by giving me the words and thought to share here. Believe it or not blogging has helped to give me a new sense of hope by allowing me to share part of myself.
#2 - Facing Fears. Recently I have made some major changes in my life and am trying some things that I haven't done in awhile (need I be more specific)! I am of course talking about improving (or having) a personal life. This part of me has been on the back burner for a number of years. I have had some great experiences over the past month and although the next Mrs. Pudge hasn't been put into place, I have learned a lot about myself during this time. There is a renewed hope inside of me now as a person who is learning that he really is alright.
#1 - Relationships!!! The number one thing that brings me hope today is the relationships that I have formed with others. It doen't matter if it is family or friends, relationships mean everything to me. I have learned that I cannot go through life trying to be the man that God wants me to be without the help of others. I also cannot be that kind of man without helping others. It is a need that goes very deep inside of me. When God said it is not good for man to be alone, I believe that he wasn't just talking about the need for a wife. I think it goes much broader than that. We need each other to make it in this world. God uses people today to do much of his work, do you see him in your family and friends? I sure do!
Well there have it. My top five tangible reasons that I have hope today. What are some of yours? Feel free to share them whether here or with someone that you love today. Be blessed beyond belief today.
Yes God Is Still Working
You know, I was thinking. It has been a wonderful week in the Lord and yes it has been challenging. God is in control and He is still blessing beyond belief. Emily is still in the hospital. The great progress made yesterday with the barrette moving seems to have stopped. They are consulting with the surgeon this morning and considering what to do next. In the mean time Emily has gotten a very familiar neighbor. Cora Fraley has now taken up residence next door to Emily at Herrick. Cora has been throwing up for the past day and is severely dehydrated! She is on IV's and has some kind of an infection. Keep these two (and us family type folks) held up in prayer today. God is still in control and we need to just trust Him. Be blessed beyond belief today.
God Is Working
You know, I was thinking. I got a call last night that my great niece Emily was admitted to the hospital because she had swallowed a barette in her sleep that was about 2 inches long. As of about 8:30 last night the plan was to do surgery this morning. Well, since I didn't get a call to let me know what time the surgery was this morning, I went on in to work. I got a call from the Hawkman around 8:30 this morning to let me know that the barette seems to be moving through normally and that they are waiting because they might not have to do the surgery! Praise God! Folks just remember that God answers prayers, sometime even the way WE want them answered! I will follow up with a post tomorrow and give you "the rest of the story". Be blessed beyond belief today.