Prayers Answered
You know, I was thinking. I am sitting here at work at almost 7 p.m. I have reached my 12th hour of work today and am almost wrapped up. I am working late to tie up some loose ends before going on vacation, which by the way was supposed to start two days ago. I was asked (very politely I might add) if there was any way that I could work the first two days of this week. I had no other plans but to goof off for these two days so I said the I would do the work. Glad I did! There has been more activity the last two days than any of us could handle and I am glad that I made the decision to be here. I am thankful for how God has absolutely blessed my career and even though I have been putting in more hours lately I am still very thankful. I prayed for this for a long time. I was so frustrated and angry because of my job situation. I began to pray that God would give me a new job or improve the situation I was in. He chose option two. I am grateful that I have what I have in my life. I am truly the most blessed man living today, not because of anything that I have done, but because of a great God above. He has made everything good and has continued to be with me through many trials and challenges. I guess what I am saying is to be like Paul in his letter to the Phillipians and learn to "be content in every situation"!
I will not be out in the blog world for about a week so I pray blessings on all of you and hope that you will find God in everything that you do. Be blessed today!
Just Thinking Out Loud
You know, I was thinking. Sometimes the silliest things hit my brain and I just have to sit and ponder them awhile. I left home early today so that I had enough time to got to Starbucks. I don't go there often, and those of you that know me know that I have a fond affection for this stuff. So there I was driving on north bound 23 when the thought hit me "who thought about putting the pimento in the olive"! Then I thought "I wonder what kind of degree you need to get a job like that today"? Then I thought "I wonder when the first person decided to eat what was ever inside of an egg did they cook it first"? This then opened the flood gates for a lot of other junk like why is it that lint seems to collect right around and in your belly button. Is there some kind of a gravitational vortex just sucking it in there? Why is it that they say when something is broke don't fix it, and yet when we have a cat nutered they say the cat is fixed? I think the cat was working properly before the procedure. Now, for those of you who don't have a clue this happens all of the time with me. I don't share most of it because I like having friends and staying out of straight jackets. But I just can't help but let a few of them out once in awhile. Just a little Friday laditude to get your day off right. Be blessed today!
Why Me Lord
You know, I was thinking. Back in the 70's (Russ that was the decade when all the good music was written) Kris Kristoferson wrote a song named why me Lord. The first verse of that song started "Why me Lord, what have I ever done to derserve even one of these blessings I know". This decribes my mood today. I do not know why the creator of the universe has selected me to be so incredibly blessed! Me, a person who at every possible opportunity has done his ever loving best to screw up his life! Me, a person so self centered and egotistical that I sometimes cannot see the forest for the tree! Me, a man who struggles on a daily basis with the flesh! Me, Doug Mollette! GOD LOVES ME! I don't understand it, I just accept it! The blessings that I am talking about are not anything tangible. I have a family both physically and in Christ whom I truly love and who truly love me. I am blessed beyond belief!
Right now there have been many people that have been brought to my attention who are hurting, struggling or being tempted. I feel so helpless sometimes to do anything that could help. As a guy it is in my nature to see a problem and want to fix it. There are somethings (well alright many things) that I just cannot fix. It is at that time that I have no choice but to let go and let God! This is sometimes very difficult, but it is the right thing to do. This doesn't imply that I sit back in the easy chair and wait for the Lord to work his majic. It means that I am actively asking, seeking and knocking (thanks for that last night Jim).
I guess what I am trying to get at this morning is that if God can use a person that has messed up so many times in his life that it can't be counted, then God can use anyone. Specifically God can use you! Just let him! Be blessed today.
You Don't Have To Be Crazy...
You know, I was thinking. I'm sure you have heard the saying "you don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps". The same thing can be used for family, groups or even churches! I believe that way about NewSong! Now, before you organize a lynch mob hear me out. When I talk about being crazy in the context above, what I mean is that you don't take YOURSELF too seriously. You can laugh at your errors, forgive those who have wronged you and allow yourself to be lead by those who are leading you with all of your trust. By the worlds standards, that's just crazy. We need to forgive ourselves when we goof up (nice sermon by Tom yesterday), we need to love and forgive unconditionally, and we need to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit at all times. As Tom said so well yesterday, "God can even use a cracked pot" for his glory. Challenge yourself today to step out and do something a little crazy in the name of Jesus today. Be blessed today.
Friday Feast - An Ode To Love
You know, I was thinking. I had to be to work this morning at 6:30 to deal with a customer issue. Now, that's not too early seeing that the first shift plant workers have to be here by 5 a.m. So I feel blessed with that. I have dealt with the customer (for now, some follow up later) and find myself listening to praise and worship music, finishing my McDonald's "big breakfast" and large coffee, and pining to blog... so here I am. I have been hit between the eyes lately with numerous acts of love being showered on me. I have not always held to Christian priciples and diciplines in my life, but I have allowed the world to enter into different aspects of it. Many times I have said "I know what God wants me to do, but I just don't want to do it that way". Each time I acted on that thought, it ended up in disaster. Now, things are heading down the right path in my life and I find myself with great peace and happiness because of a simple thing called love. Without getting real sappy or anything like that here are my top four reasons to love today:
#4 - Love feels good - We are after all talking about a very positive emotion here. I am not talking about "I love bacon" or "I love hot dogs" (although I do), but rather talking about how "I love my family" or "I love this person" type of love. It's just nice to feel good.
#3 - Love gets things done - If you want to get a job done, fall in love with it. There are certain things that I enjoy doing and certain things that I don't enjoy doing. When I get to those things that I don't enjoy doing, I try to find the good in it. Once I do that, I will concentrate on that instead of what I don't like about it. This also works the same with people. Some are easier to love than others. I find it very easy to love people who are real and true to who they are.
#2 - Love changes people - Are you having a tough time with somebody at work? Tell them you love them! I know this is radical, but if you do it a few times it becomes easier. I have a group of folks that I have had struggles with here at work so I started telling them how much I appreciated them. After awhile, saying I love you was just a natural progression. I am amazed at where these work relationships have gone now. People will change because you show love to them.
#1 - God loved us first - If love was good enough for God to do all that he has done for me, then love had better be good enough for me. God's love is perfect and doesn't have limitations, my love is imperfect but improving. God's love is sacrificial and doesn't have conditions, my love is sometimes prideful and can be threatened by my own selfishness. God' s love has no end, my love will last only as long as I allow it to last. God is love, the Pudgeman is not, but I'm working on it!
The Pudge Man Liveth!
You know, I was thinking. I know that it's been a few days since I have posted. Nothing wrong just too busy to blog. I was getting ready to post something this morning, but Russ chimed in on the IM and ate up all my time. I have enjoyed keeping up a little bit on what is happening. I will put together some inciteful and stimulating thoughts before the week is up, but for now I wish to give all of you a big BE BLESSED TODAY and keep on blogging.
Lord Reign In Me
You know, I was thinking. The business of making cars pretty has hit me between the eyes this morning. Not much time to blog but I will simply share this:
Be blessed today!
Continuous Improvement
You know, I was thinking. The phrase "continuous improvement" is a buzz word that is used quite often in the automotive industry. I know that many other work environments are using this particularly potent catch phrase as well. The implication corporately is that a company is in a constant state of change so that processes and procedures are being improved on a regular basis. Now, I don't know about where you work but as for me and my employer we are in the midst of "continuous survival"! We are constantly trying to get on top of our processes and procedures just to survive. Often times we need to call in outside consultants or get additional help in order to get out of these times. Are these two concepts mutually exclusive? I believe that you can survive very well while you are in the continuous improvement mode, but you have a hard time making improvements while in the continuous survival mode. Two other phrases that come to mind are "planning management" and "crisis management". Let's face it, it is difficult to improve upon things when all you seem to be capable of doing is simply surviving the day, week or month!
I believe the same holds true in our spiritual walk! When we are in our times of crisis management (the valley), it is hard to do the proper preparation and planning in order to make things better in our lives. We often time need the help of outside infuences or other people to help us to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and move forward. Now, those times of continuous improvement (mountain tops), are times when we can really get our acts together. We have the time to gain perspective, make evaluations, see where we have made the mistakes, and allow ourselves to move forward more productively. Just like in business, our live are not always one extreme or the other. I would call this the mountain side or maintenance management. I think we spend most of our lives on the mountain side. Walking up the mountain or sometimes sliding down. If we are really honest with ourselves we spend more time here then we do in absolute highs and lows.
So, let's bottom line this. While in the valley, find the kind of help that you need to pull yourself out. While on the mountain top, make preparations (prayer, the word, worship) to be able to endure the next valley, because there is always going to be another valley. While on the mountain side, look for times to minister and help others and to bless God in the process. In all things though give the glory to the Father and look for opportunities to show love to another person. Don't look at where you are at on the mountain, but keep your eyes focused on Jesus and remember that ALL THING WORK TOGETHER FOR THOSE WHO LOVE THE LORD AND ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSES. Be blessed today.
Highway Worship
You know, I was thinking. On my way into work this morning I was motivated to turn off the radio and start worshipping. This happens to me often, not nearly as much as I wish but often. It amazes me as to how easy the morning commute is when you're singing and praying your way into work. Jesus make it all good! I always have a great start when I put the Lord first in the day. He has the ability to make everything work out well. My biggest problem is that I like to close my eyes when I sing, hard to do that and drive seventy! How did you start your morning today? Take a little time for God this morning if you haven't already and I promise you that the rest of your day will go well. Be blessed today.
And Now The End Times
You know, I was thinking. Today is Number One's 40th birthday. Yes I was an uncle at the ripe old age of 2 1/2 years old. When your oldest brother (who just turned 60) is nearly 18 years older than you are it makes for an interesting family. I am the youngest of five children and as Bill Cosby would say it is because my parents did not want six! I did not have a problem on my 40th birthday but #1's has given me a reason to reflect. He of course is the oldest of all of my nieces and nephews and the youngest is two! I have a great nephew who will be 19 soon and the youngest of the greats (Skylar) will be turning four this year! Crazy huh? You know what, I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. I love being Uncle Dougie! It's one of the greatest jobs that I have ever had. I am so blessed with family that I can't even begin to express the joy that they bring me!
Thank God for all that you have today. Take a moment and let someone (or several someones) in your family know how much you love and appreciate them. Be a blessing to someone today and you will recieve numerous blessings in return. Be blessed today.
What A Blessing
You know, I was thinking. I could write today about so many great things. Beautiful weekend, great softball tournament, played 27 holes of golf, went to a birthday party for two great nieces and one great nephew, #1 is turning 40 tomorrow, fantastic time in worship yesterday or how I have such a great loving family both physically and spiritually. But I am just going to say that I am blessed beyond my wildest imagination and let everyone out there know how much I love and appreciate them. You folks never cease to bless me with your comments of encouragement and insight. Thank you for your love and encouragement. Be blessed today.
You know, I was thinking. I really do not have the time to post today, sorry about the Friday Feast. Be blessed today.
Consume Me
You know, I was thinking. We read in the book of Romans in chapter 12 how Paul is telling the people in the Roman church to "offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God"! I think about the idea of sacrifice and am reminded of the sacrifice that the prophet elijah set on an alter to prove God's power. He had the people absolutely cover the sacrifice and the alter with water. When Elijah prayed not only was the sacrifice consumed, but the entire alter also. That how I want the Holy Spirit to consume me. Not just partially but entirely until nothing of me is left that doesn't reflect the power of God. God wants to consume us, but he has given us free will. We must allow that will to be broken and surrender totally to God. Where are you at today? Do you still want control? Be blessed today.
Blessing Times Four
You know, I was thinking. I always have and probably always will give #4 a hard time. But there are times like yesterday where this young man is such a blessing to me. As some of you are aware yesterday was a long day for me. At about 4 p.m. we began doing our inventory. I went back to the forming department in my casual pants and dress shoes. The temperature was about 104 and humid back there. I was roasting. We took a dinner break at about 5:30, after which I took a chance to see if maybe Jamie went to visit mom. He was just pulling in when I was finishing up my call so I asked mom to have him call me when he had a chance. Within about two minutes he called me. I asked him to bring me a pair of shorts and my tennis shoes. When he arrived I thought I was going to give him a big wet one, but I refrained. He really blessed me with that act of kindness and made a very unbearable time a little less miserable. I love you Quatro, thank you for your kind heart. Be blessed today.
Nobody Told Me There'd Be Days Like These
You know, I was thinking. I ain't wrapped too tight! We are having quite an interesting time at the plant where I work. We are short handed and just brought in a bunch of new work. I was here until after 6 p.m. last night and was back here at 6 a.m. because of situations that I have to deal with personally. I will probably be here until 9 or 10 tonight because of doing inventory! That means that I will be missing the Tuesday night round table fellowship and Wednesday is being threatened as I type! Oh, did I mention that I am a salaried worker who is not eligible for overtime? But, God is good all the time! I am employed. I am not concerned about whether or not my employer will still be in business next week. I am setting here after about three phone calls about a shipment that still isn't here, drinking my coffee, listening to some worship music and writing a blog post. Life ain't so bad. I have a job that isn't perfect but is one that I believe God is using me to do His will. I am constantly reminded of what things could be like for me without the Father being the central figure in my life. If I may Pudgify (new word) one of my favorite scriptures from the apostle Paul...I know what it is like to be swamped in my career and to be unemployed. I have had times of great personal successes and huge failures. I have learned the secret to life whether I am finacially flush or flat broke. Whether I am able to fill 'er up or I am rolling pennies for gas. The secret of happiness is not having confidence and security in my employment, but knowing and understanding that I can do
ALL things through Christ who always has, is now and always will give me my strength. I love the Lord and even though life can seem to go in a thousand different directions all at the same time, God is still very much in control. Thank you Jesus! Be blessed today.
A Weekend Of B & B
You know, I was thinking. I have never had quite a weekend like this past one. I had blessing on top of blessing on top of blessing.... Yet, evertime I turned around there was a battle staring me in the face. I have been delivered from my gambling addiction for over a year now and yet this weekend I was more tempted to do the wrong thing than I have been in quite awhile. Fortunately God has given me the strength and wisdom to set up certain "road blocks" along the way to make it possible for me to stay clean. It didn't even get to the point of have to start making phone calls, but the challenge was on me all weekend long even up through yesterday afternoon. I have always had access to such deliverence but I have not always chose to be delivered. Today I feel really good about the choices that I have made, but feel a little wiped out because of all of the challenges. I have good people around me who truly love and appreciate me and that in and of itself gets me through. But more than anything else it is those times of prayer. I spend a weekend crying to, yelling at and pleading with God! Guess what, he delivered me. You see instead of focusing in on what was wrong, I decided to focus in on God. He is big enough to handle all of my doubt, anger, stupidity, emotions and wrecklessness. He can then turn that around into something good. Don't quite know how HE will use this one but I know HE will! What's been eating at you that you just need to give over to the Father? Be bleseed today.