Thankful Thursday
You know, I was thinking. After a long weekend in Kentucky and being around so much family and having an absolutely tremendous time, I began to do like many of my bloggin buddies have been doing lately and been counting my blessings. There are a number of things that I am thankful for. I could literally fill hundreds of pages and not even scratch the surface! So I've decided that I would put together my DEP top ten list:
10. Golf
9. My Big Honkin Grill
8. Air conditioning
7. Nieces & nephews (without them I couldn't have #6)
6. Great nieces & great nephews
5. All of my friends
4. Newsong Community Church
3. Momma
2. True Peace
1. Father, Son & Holy Spirit
These are just the things that are hitting me today! What are you thankful for? Be blessed today.

What I did on my vacation
Southern Linguistics
You know, I was thinking. While in the south this past weekend I realized that somethings were much the same as they are here in the north. It's just that people in the south have a unique way of saying things. Here are some examples of Michigan events and their southern counterparts:
At the Newsong Community Church we have "Family Time", at the Highland Church Of Christ in Paintsville Kentucky they have "Huggin & Howdy Time".
In Michigan we have "Hunting Dogs", in Kentucky they have "Huntin Dawgs".
If you have been confined to your house for an extened period of time in Michigan you get "Cabin Fever", in Kentucky the "Walls are fallin in on ya".
In Michigan people drink beer and chat, in Kentucky people drink beer, and drink beer, and drink beer...
In Michigan people live in a house on a lot, in Kentucky people live in a trailer on a hill.
In certain places in Michigan people get shot in the streets, in Kentucky people get shot in the mountains never to be seen again.
In Michigan we have U of M Football, in Kentucky they have U of K Basketball.
In Michigan if it snows we plow out and move on, in Kentucky they plow down the driveway on the mountain and hope like crazy they get back up it!
In Michigan we can go up north to the U.P., in Kentucky all they can go up north to is Ohio!
In Michigan we have certain times of the year when many counties get dry, in Kentucky they have many Dry Counties.
In Michigan they have Mollette's (pronounced MUH-LET-TEES), in Kentucky they have Mollette's (pronounced MUH-LETS).
In Michigan those who need financial help go on welfare, in Kentucky they go on assistance.
In Michigan we have fudge and make cars, in Kentucky they have moonshine and make baseball bats.
Be blessed today!
What Family Tree?
You know, I was thinking. While enjoying a beautiful weekend in picturesque Paintsville Kentucky, I realized that I was in the mist of people who were just as messed up as I was. I've got tons of stories that I do not have enough time to expound upon, but lets just say that when you get the Mollettemeehancollinssandifurwellswebbs together the parking lot of the Days Inn will never be the same. Imagine, about 20 misplaced hillbillies and their families sitting around in chairs in a hotel parking lot. Most of them smoking cigarettes, some with beer in hand, waning the hours away talking about old times and what's going on now. One of my cousins Anita said she was going to write a book titled "Well You Look Good". Because it doesn't seem to matter who you talk to down there they always start out with what is ailing them and eventually someone says "well you look good".
For those of you who are wondering I did return the same way I left...single and unattached! I don't know whether to feel like a success or a failure! But, I do feel good about the weekend and about the time I spent with family. Tomorrow I will try to impart a little "Hillbilly Wisdom" on you. Be blessed today.
Being Mollette
You know, I was thinking. Lately some of you have been saying things like "I wish I had some of that Mollette blood" and "I wish I could be a Mollette". I have only one response to that.........ARE YOU PEOPLE STUPID! Now look, I was born into it. It has been a life long battle being who I am. Please ask Jay and Jamie (although his official last name is Fraley he still is in the bloodline) they'll tell you how challenging it is. All you guys see are the family outings, bar b ques, fun and games that we all have but being Mollette is more than that! Being Mollette means putting up with ME! Hey, I don't even like it but where ever I go, there I am!
But if I may digress and be serious for a moment. I know what you folks are seeing and I know how truly blessed I am. In my book family falls second only to God and I am blessed with family that really cares about one another. There never seems to be a lack of love for me nor does my love ever take a break for my family. And yes there are challenges but the benefits of being Mollette far out weigh the those minor draw backs. Tight family relationships don't just happen and I must say that we have not always been like we are today. It has taken a lot of work on everybodies part and even more patience. Much of my family will be traveling this weekend so keep us in prayer. Pray especially for the residence of Paintsville, Kentucky because they really have no clue what they are in for! Be blessed today and I'll be back bloggin on Monday.
Watch Me Watch Me
You know, I was thinking. My great niece Cora is going through this stage right now where she will get my attention by saying "Dougie watch me, watch me. Are you watching, watch this"! Then she will proudly stand on one leg and hop three or four times as if she's just accomplished setting a world record or something. She will then say "did you see me?" She will then get the normal barrage of "yes I did" and "that was great"! Nothing like positive affirmations to a child, especially a three year old. She thinks that what she has done is so tremendous that everyone in the world needs to know that she can do it, but especially those who are close to her. But all that has actually happened is that a three year old has learned how to jump up and down on one leg!
Do we do the same thing with the Father? Do we stand around saying "God watch me, watch me" and then do something so basic and so simple that it's just really nothing incredible in perspective to the creator of the universe. But our Father loves us so much that he says to us "that was great" and "do it again"! He's so good to us. You see just like we do with Cora, God wants to encourage us to keep learning to keep stretching ourselves and to keep on trying new and exciting things. Not because they impress Him, but because He gets excited to see us doing the stuff that makes Him happy. How are you pleasing the Father today or at least how are you entertaining Him? Be blessed today.
Now I'm MAD!
You know, I was thinking. I had been getting attacked for a couple of weeks. God brought me through that and man was I riding the wave this past weekend. Even through the rough times I knew I was blessed and that "God is good, all the time". But there's now, now the enemy has started attacking my family. It is one thing to be the center of the attack, but it's a whole different issue when he starts attacking those whom I love. The enemy is taking away livelyhoods and peace with several members of my family and I'm not going to take it anymore. Game on right now. It's time to fight a spirtual battle with spiritual ammunition. Now is a time for prayer, fasting, time in the word, time for praying in the Spirit and a time for gathering the troops together. It is time to bring in the full power of the resurrected Saviour who said that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. Well here we go, satan's finished playing in my neighborhood. God live here and he and his demons are no longer welcome. There is a time for reflection and then there is a time for war and this is the latter. God is in control and nothing can ever stop that. If you are battling right now, bring it out and get people praying about it. If you are riding high or on the mountain top, then start praying, fasting and doing whatever it takes to intercede on other people's behalf. Be blessed today.
A Weekend Made For Doug
You know, I was thinking. What a great weekend I just finished. Saturday was about as perfect as it could get. It started out with me sleeping in until almost 6:30 a.m. I got up had a little coffee while watching an episode of This Old House Classics. At about seven I got dressed and went to the Famous Milan Coney Island for breakfast (a western omlet, american fries and rye toast with strawberry jelly, I only ate about half of it! Oh yeah, and coffee), then off to my brother-in-laws house to work on my nieces car. Just a break job and oil change (even changed the oil on momma's car while I was there) and I messed with both my niece's and nephew's (#2) heads and then I was off again. Decided that momma's car needed a bath so I pulled into the car wash there in Milan and since nothings too good for my momma I sprang for the delux wash. Then it was back home. It is now just about 10:00 a.m. and I start the lawn mowing process. First the hand mowing and trimming and then I mount up on Big Green for the major work. Just before I get going on that I said to momma to lay out some meat, I'll be light up the big honkin grill (BHG) today. At about 11:55 I was finished with both the front and back yards and decided that I was ready for lunch. My niece was there (different one this time) and her kids were around. While in the house #1 calls and inquires if I will be lighting the BHG, he said good cause he had some strip steaks that needed to get used up (God is soooooo good)! So after a bologna sandwich (with mayo and pepper jack cheese) it was time to mow the back forty. I finish mowing about 1:30 so I go in the house to watch a little US Open. By 2:30 #1 and family had arrived, #4 and family had arrived, Sis, Trish and Cora were out at there house so I fired up the BHG! While eating, #1 decided it would be good to play 9. So we called #4 back out, both of them got permission to go (that's all I'll say on that topic) and we were off to the coarse. After getting my butt kicked by both #1 & #4 it was back to the house where another niece had arrived! Wow! What a nice evening of just sitting in the gazebo talking. It was a great day, one for the books. A little work, a little play, a little food and a lot of Mollettes (& Fraleys). Just thought I would share this with you. Be blessed today.
Good Luck Is On It's Way
You know, I was thinking. Why is it that when someone has one of these chain emails that says something like "If you truly love God you will send this to X number of your closest friends" or even better "If you send this to X number of people you'll win the lottery" or some similar good luck thing like it. Even worse are the negative reinforcements that "If you delete this you will die by noon"! I hate these things and am dissapointed when my Christian friends find it necessary to forward them on. If you think something is worthy of sharing then go through and take out all of these types of sayings and then pass it on. One way to get me to delete something is to tell me not to or else... There is no such thing as luck! God blesses each one of us even when it may not seem like there is much blessing going on. God controls my destiny, not my ability or lack there of to forward emails. God will open opportunities for me to show my love to others, not some statement that would guilt others into thinking that because I am sending this to them that I love them even more somehow. It is God, not emails. Now, I have been truly blessed in my spirit by the messages that have been sent to me over the years, but I am truly angered by people that are intentionally trying to get attention by making others feel guilty. This is just my opinion. What's yours? Let me know and be blessed today.
Intergalactic Stellar Phenomenon
You know, I was thinking. When God told Abraham that his decendants would be as numerous as the stars I wonder if he really understood how big a number that is. Here he was an aging man with an aging wife being told he was going to be a great patriarch. It would have absolutely blown his mind to have even tried to anticipate how numerous his decendants would be.
When Paul writes in Phil 4:13 - "I can do
ALL things through Him who give me strength", I wonder if we really can fathom the word all. Most of you know that I have been traveling through a valley lately. Things are looking up and I am just plain feeling better about a lot of different things. I forgot this passage through this time. By forgot I don't mean that I didn't remember that it was in the Bible, I just forgot to apply it to the situation that I was in. You see God wants us to rely on Him! He wants us to seek him at all times and in all things. On the way home from men's group last night I realized that through this whole thing I had been sharing my struggles with just about everybody............except God. So, I turned off the radio and began to sing and to pray. It is amazing what can happen when we take the time to actually seek God. For me personally, I think that is why I spend so much time in the valley, I lose sight of what is important. Go out and do something bold in the name of the Father today. Be blessed today.
Here We Go Again
You know, I was thinking. Last week I opened it up for any and all questions and I got them. I want to have another Wild Wednesday this week but I must lay down a couple of ground rules. The first of which is that the word "WHY" does not in and of itself denote a question for the purposes of Wild Wednesday. Secondly, asking for money is strictly prohibited. Other than that it's wide open! By the way, the sky is clearing and I am pulling out of this funk that I've been in lately, thanks for all of the encouragement. Be blessed today.
The Rainbow Connection
You know, I was thinking. I had a pretty bad attitude yesterday. There have been a lot of pressures on me at work and then receiving the news about the passing of a dear brother in the Lord had put me in a very dark place. This is a part of life though and we all have certain burdens to bear. I am blessed to have a physical and spiritual family (many fall into both catagories) who love me through the good times as well as the bad. Although things are tough right now I do know that God is still in control and that HE still loves me no matter what.
On my way into work this morning as I was merging onto I-94 west from US 23 north I saw the sign that I was looking for. There it was as bright and beautiful as anything I have ever seen or probably will ever see. A rainbow! You know that colorful beam of light that is created when sunlight is refracted through drops of rain, a rainbow. I immediately thought of God's promise to Noah that He would never destroy the earth by water again. I also thought about how God has kept that promise all these centuries and how God will keep all his promises. I then thought of Is. 40:29-31 "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint". This is one of my favorite verses of scripture in all the Bible. God's promise here is of restoration. He will pick us up, dust us off and get us back into the game of life more fervant than ever before. God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams and I need to go around acting like it because believe it. Be blessed today.
Some Truths
You know, I was thinking. I have had a pretty tough week these past seven days. I chose not to give the datails but suffice it to say that I have been battling. Now, once again for those of you that know me you'll jump right to that addiction stuff again. Not to worry that is not the battle that has been going on. There has been battles on numerous fronts and I feel somewhat exhausted this morning. To top all of this off I come in and get the email that was forwarded to me about a friend by the name of Scott Gray who lost his battle with brain cancer on Sunday but won a victory and is now with Jesus. This just doesn't help my disposition at all this morning. Please understand that not everything has been negative. Sometimes it's just feels like I am wading through a pool of mud and although I know that I can see the goal, it just takes so long to get there. A little honesty this morning might help me clear my head. The deeper my relationship with Jesus gets, the tougher the battles rage on. I know that HE will see me through it. HE has done it before and HE will do it again. But, you folks need to know that with DEP it's the same as it is with you. Many things have tried to discourage me this week, I was even very distracted at worship service yesterday. I try very hard to do what God has called me to do and my own inabilities to do those things just stand there and glare at me.
It is times like this that I have to go and get into the word and into prayer. I KNOW that God will deliver me. HE has done it before and HE will do it again. HE is the source of my strength and HE has never let me down. I want to get me out of the way in this and allow Jesus to work HIS works. I know that we have a lot of fun on this blog and we will continue to do just that over and over again. But this is indeed the real world and although I like to be an oasis for thought provoking humor, I also think all of you need to see what is real. "Now, to him who is able to do imeasurably more than all we ask or imagine" is the scripture that comes to mind right now. HE has made me glad is the song HE has put in my heart. Where are you at today? Do you dare admit when you are struggling to at least one person? I am not looking for sympathy or even encouragement, you folks give me that continually. What I am looking to do today is to let every reader know that it's alright to admit when you feel weak. Jesus is Lord and be blessed today.
Dirt Playing 101
You know, I was thinking. Last night at the second game of a double header, I looked over just to the left of the bench. There I saw Evan Drake Walsh just completely layed out on the ground on his belly playing in the dirt. He was just absolutely covered from head to toe and appeared to be loving it. I remember as a child (#1 this one might just take you back) we had this very large area of sand out in the back forty of the Tuttle Hill Road Compound where we would go for hours to play in the dirt. To this day my mother is still complaining about the number of spoons she is missing because we would take them out to the sand and never bring them back. We would have our friends or other kids in the family come over and play with us. It was a great time! No worries. No responsibilities. Just a kid having fun playing in the dirt! Yes, that was a great time. Afterwards when we finally came into the house mom would give us one of those looks and just point towards the bathtub. She'd say something like "don't even think about coming into my house looking like that". I don't know if it was more fun playing in the sand or the bath tub, but for some reason we made that fun too. In fact, in a lot of ways it was more fun getting clean then it was getting dirty! The only problem was that we wouldn't stay clean forever. We would get up the next day and start the getting dirty process all over again. But we always knew how to get clean again.
I think the same thing holds true spiritually. We spend a good portion of our lives just playing in the dirt. Paul would say that was our life in the flesh. Since we don't know that there is anything wrong with it we play and laugh and have a good time. We will even invite our friends over to play in the dirt with us. Only as adults there are worries. There are resoponsibilities. Playing in the dirt a lot of times will keep us from those things that we should do. With most people, there comes a day that we want to go and spend time with the Father. He takes one look as us and instead of pointing to the bath tub, he points to His son. The Father says to us something like "don't even think about coming into my house looking that way". But just like mom would do, he provides everything necessary to get us clean. And you know what, it's much more fun getting clean then it was getting dirty. Just like it was in my early years it's still hard to stay clean. But guess what, the Father keeps on applying the blood of Jesus over and over and over.... He never stops cleaning us up! Where are you at today? Are you still dirty from the world? Have you ever been cleaned up by the Father? It really is a wonderful thing. Be blessed today.
Peanut Butter Possibilities
You know, I was thinking! This morining I decided to have a peanut butter and banana sandwich for breakfast. Good protein, some fruit, a few carbs and a lot of sugar! Now that's a breakfast of champions. Wash it all down with a nice strong cup of black coffee and I am ready for the day. But it hit me, peanut butter! I like peanut butter, but I only will buy and eat Jif. I am not that way about many things in life but I am that way about peanut butter. Now, I am not sure what kind of peanut butter are put in Nutter Butter cookies, but I like those. I don't know what kind of peanut butter is put into those little Austin cheeze n peanut butter crackers, but I like those. But if I get a jar of peanut butter to make a sandwich with it has to be Jif or I just won't eat it! Funny how I am about this topic. Not sure if there is some deep rooted psychosomatic reason for it but that's just how I am.
Here's where I bring this back now. I think some people are this way about churches. They think that there is only one brand that is palatable and that's all they'll bother with. It really doesn't matter what is inside as long as the right label is on the outside. I am not suggesting that there are no guidelines for what God is looking for in a church, but it is not up to us to limit the power of the Gospel of Jesus into one exclusive package! Be blessed today.
Wild Wednesday
You know, I was thinking and it hurt so I stopped. Hey folks the creative juices are just not flowing today. I got a lot to do and very little time to do it. So, today I declare it Wild Wednesday! This is the time that you can chime in and ask any question of the Pudgemeister and I will do my best to answer it. Serious questions will be answered seriously, and all the rest will be handled accordingly. So have at it, ask and you shall receive. Be blessed today.
Repetative Redundancy
You know, I was thinking. Have you ever found yourself making the same mistakes over and over and over........................? Have you ever said to yourself "I knew better then that"? Then welcome to my world. This world is a little different from reality. I really believe that more people live in my world then actually even exist in reality, but that's for another therapy session at another time. But I find myself in the same type of struggles day after day, week after week, month after month (you get the picture), and although I overcome them it frustrates me that here I am again being challenged with _______________! Paul talks about renewing your mind in Romans chapter 12 and I try to put that into practice. It does get me through those tough times but soon after all the hurt is gone, here it comes again. Now, just to head you off at the pass here, I am not being challenged with an addiction right now, just thinking out loud. But it seems like it's always the same old crap (sorry if you are offended by this word but it is accurate) that challenges me.
The reality is that there is a very real enemy out there who will challenge us daily. He wants us to deny Christ and be destroyed. He doesn't need us to make a claim that "God isn't real", he just needs us to be so dissapointed in ourselves and each other that we simply give up and walk away. In the words of the great college basketball coach Jimmy V - "Don't give up, don't ever give up"! Be blessed today.
Interpersonal Connection Renewal
You know, I was thinking. Yesterday was a great day for me. First of all I had a wonderful time of worship and praise to our Lord. Then I spent the rest of the day with one of my closest friends Pastor Tom! It's kind of a unique relationship that he and I have with one another. We are piers, friends, brothers and pals and yet there is another dimension to our relationship. Tom is also a man who I look up to as a mentor. He has helped me through some of the toughest times of my life by being both loving and honest. He is a person in whom I have complete and absolute trust! He will give me a huge hug around my neck or a swift kick in my seat when needed. We can literally share anything with each other and not need to worry about negatively impacting our relationship. I accept him for who he is and he does the same with me.
Our conversations yesterday went from deep theology to blogging to base jumping (special on OLN that I couldn't get Tom away from) to sports to music and to family just to name a few. We got very serious a few times, and was just cutting up most of the time. Tom is certainly a blessing in my life. Our time together means so much to both of us and it seems like it is becoming more rare, so me make the most of every opportunity we get.
Now, guys especially, who do you have in your life you can be as real as you want to be with? Who is that friend and mentor that you couldn't imagine living without. Who will pick you up, dust you off, and literally kick you back into the game of life? If you thought of a name, share that with me. If you said "I don't have someone like that", then it's time to begin forming some of those relationships. Remember to have a "real" friend in your life, you have to be a "real" friend. Be blessed today.
Old Dude Mentality
You know, I was thinking. Here I am at age forty something helping to "coach" (a term used for what I am apparently doing) the church softball team. I am not playing this year because the simple fact of the matter is that although I am in about the best shape that I have seen in twenty years, my knees and back are shot due to years of abuse. Spending about 10 years of my life over 300# and another 10 over 400# seems to have taken it's toll on the Pudgeman. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining just simply stating how it is. The main reason I got to be so big was not because of my biological make up or the fact that "society" did something to cause a mental defect which shot me into the life of morbid obesity, but it was sin! I loved (was addicted) to food. That demon still haunts me to this day. So, getting back to my original point that life of overindulgence has brought me to where I am now. Please understand that the sin in this whole thing has been forgiven and God remembers it no more, but the toll it has taken on me will be with me the rest of my life.
I woke up at midnight last night (yes to use the bathroom, I am forty something) and I couldn't fall back to sleep for a couple of hours. So being the resourceful person that I am, I turned on my TV to the PAX network. See they run worship music throughout the early morning hours. So I laid in bed and listened, prayed, thought and listened some more. Then the song came on that I needed (yep God is in control) "Lord Reign In Me"! Wow, have you ever really sang that prayer before, or even prayed that song before. What powerful words! I don't remember much after that song because I was back to sleep once again.
Here's where the old dude mentality comes into play. I thought how much pain there has been in my life because of MY sin! How many things in my life have been lessened because of MY wrong doing! Now I didn't get depressed but I got excited about sharing this next idea. God reminded me of something that I had heard once before (probably from Tom in a sermon), it's the three "R's":
Reach Up - To God for his wisdom and strength.
Reach In - Allowing others to be a integrated part of your life.
Reach Out - Share with others both your successes and failures.
So the lesson is this, don't let the pain and distress of sin keep you off of the team. If it gets to the point where you can't play, then coach! Be blessed today.
Complex Simplicity
You know, I was thinking. Why is it that we try to make everything in life so stinking hard? Why is it that whenever we face a tough time or a struggle we will go at it head strong time after time after time until we get a headache. The solution to every problem, every struggle, every test, every trial, every hurt, every pain, every short coming and every temptation is simply God! Why is it that I do not turn there first? Why is it that despite my conscience knowledge of an All Mighty, All Knowing, All Powerful, All Incompassing & All Loving Creator, I usually have to try it my way first? Why why why why why? Because I like to be in control! I don't want to HAVE to trust anybody or anything, to do that would leave me vunerable. But, in most cases, when I do take control I screw things up! Thank you God for giving me the knowledge of the truth and just because I don't always come to you first doesn't mean I don't believe in you or trust you. It simply means that I am not perfect yet! You said in your Word that you will make me perfect but it seems to be taking awhile. I guess you have had and still have a long way to go with me. But today Lord I thank you for being in control and I pray that you will teach me to love, trust and depend on you more. In the name of Jesus, amen! Be blessed today.
Dominant Submission
You know, I was thinking. How many times in my life have I been upset because I didn't get things the way that I wanted them, or minimally the way I thought they should go. I have this inherant need to be right! I hate it when I am wrong! Understand that I am not foolish enough to believe that I am right all the time, but I still hate it when I am wrong. This seems to be more of a challenge in the work place rather then with family or church. Fortunately the older I get the less this seems to impact my life as a whole. I seem to be able to more freely admit when I am wrong and accept the concequences more easily. Don't mis-understand I still don't like making mistakes, but I can accept them better now.
When we as a body of Christ "Submit ourselves one to another" some amazing things happen. We start listening to people more and ourselves less. We begin to see other points of view as possibilities instead of just an irritant! We start wondering about what is in someone elses best interest instead of what do I want. We begin to respect other people. That respect soon leads to understanding. That understanding leads to cooperation and if given enough time that cooperation will lead to a true and deep love for other people. We need to dominate every group of people in which we asscociate with submissiveness! We need to not become spineless jelly fish, but become a person that shares what you think but will always respect others view points. Our love for one another needs to be greater than our inherant need to be right about stuff! My desire for YOUR best interest needs to be greater than my desire for MY best interest! Where are you at in your ability to dominate with submissiveness? I am still in the "under construction" mode. Be blessed today.